template::util::currency::set_property (public)

 template::util::currency::set_property what currency_list value

Defined in packages/acs-templating/tcl/currency-procs.tcl

Set a currency value to a set value, with that value being of "what" form. Currently the only "what" supported is sql_number, it being assumed (somewhat reasonably) that SQL's NUMERIC datatype will be used to store currency data in the database, regardless of locale.

what (required)
What kind of value is being passed in (sql_number is the only format supported)
currency_list (required)
A currency data type value
value (required)
The value to set currency_list to
currency_list set to value

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 template::util::currency::acquire template::util::currency::acquire (public) template::util::currency::set_property template::util::currency::set_property template::util::currency::acquire->template::util::currency::set_property util::trim_leading_zeros util::trim_leading_zeros (public) template::util::currency::set_property->util::trim_leading_zeros

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