template::util::spellcheck::merge_text (public)
template::util::spellcheck::merge_text element_id
Defined in packages/acs-templating/tcl/spellcheck-procs.tcl
Returns the merged (possibly corrected) text or the empty string if it is not time to merge.
- Parameters:
- element_id (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: set __form__ [ns_getform] set merge_text [ns_set get $__form__ $element_id.merge_text] ns_set delkey $__form__ $element_id.merge_text if { $merge_text eq "" } { return {} } # loop through errors and substitute the corrected words for #errnum#. set i 0 while { [ns_set find $__form__ $element_id.error_$i] != -1 } { regsub "\#$i\#" $merge_text [ns_set get $__form__ $element_id.error_$i] merge_text ns_set delkey $__form__ $element_id.error_$i incr i } ns_set cput $__form__ $element_id $merge_text ns_set cput $__form__ $element_id.spellcheck ":nospell:" return $merge_textXQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle