template::widget::tab (public)

 template::widget::tab element_reference tag_attributes

Defined in packages/acs-templating/tcl/tab-procs.tcl

Widget to create one tab in a set of tabs ("tabstrip") in the tabbed UI.

element_reference (required)
Reference variable to the form element
tag_attributes (required)
HTML attributes to add to the tag
Form HTML for the widget

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 template::widget::merge_tag_attributes template::widget::merge_tag_attributes (public) template::widget::tab template::widget::tab template::widget::tab->template::widget::merge_tag_attributes

No testcase defined.
Source code:

  upvar $element_reference element

  array set attributes  [::template::widget::merge_tag_attributes element $tag_attributes]

  if { !$element(current) } {

    set url $element(base_url)
    if { [string first "?" $url] >= 0 } {
      set joiner "&"
    } else {
      set joiner "?"

    set id $element(form_id)
    set output "<a href=\"[ns_quotehtml ${url}${joiner}${id}_tab=$element(name)]\">"
    append output "$element(label)</a>"
  } else {  
    append output "<b>$element(label)</b>"

  return $output
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