template::element::render (private)

 template::element::render form_id element_id tag_attributes

Defined in packages/acs-templating/tcl/element-procs.tcl

Generate the HTML for a particular form widget.

form_id - The identifier of the form containing the element.
element_id - The unique identifier of the element within the form.
tag_attributes - A name-value list of additional HTML attributes to include in the tag, such as JavaScript handlers or special formatting (i.e. ROWS and COLS for a TEXTAREA).
A string containing the HTML for an INPUT, SELECT or TEXTAREA form element.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 template::element::get_reference template::element::get_reference (private) template::element::render template::element::render template::element::render->template::element::get_reference

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