template::template_tag_include_helper_code (private)

 template::template_tag_include_helper_code [ -command command ] \
    [ -src src ] [ -ds_avail_p ds_avail_p ]

Defined in packages/acs-templating/tcl/tag-init.tcl

(defaults to "0") (optional)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 packages/acs-templating/tcl/tag-init.tcl packages/acs-templating/ tcl/tag-init.tcl template::template_tag_include_helper_code template::template_tag_include_helper_code packages/acs-templating/tcl/tag-init.tcl->template::template_tag_include_helper_code template::template_tag_include_helper template::template_tag_include_helper (private) template::template_tag_include_helper->template::template_tag_include_helper_code _ _ (public) template::template_tag_include_helper_code->_ ad_conn ad_conn (public) template::template_tag_include_helper_code->ad_conn ad_log ad_log (public) template::template_tag_include_helper_code->ad_log ad_try ad_try (public) template::template_tag_include_helper_code->ad_try template::util::url_to_file template::util::url_to_file (public) template::template_tag_include_helper_code->template::util::url_to_file

No testcase defined.
Source code:
    if {$ds_avail_p} {
        set __DS_CODE__ {
            if {[info exists ::ds_enabled_p] && [info exists ::ds_collection_enabled_p] } {
                set __include_errors {}
                ns_cache get ds_page_bits [ad_conn request]:error __include_errors
                ns_cache set ds_page_bits [ad_conn request]:error [lappend __include_errors [list "__SRC__" $::errorInfo]]
    } else {
        set __DS_CODE__ ""

    # Handle errors in the included snippet the following way:
    # - script-aborts are passed to the upper levels via "ad_try".
    # - If the included snippet leads to an error, include
    #   it in the result and log it in the error log

    set snippet {
        ad_try {
            append __adp_output [__COMMAND__]

        } on error {errorMsg} {
            set templateFile [template::util::url_to_file __SRC__ $__adp_stub]
            append __adp_output "Error in include template \"$templateFile\": [ns_quotehtml $errorMsg]"
            # JCD: If we have the ds_page_bits cache maybe save the error for later
            ad_log Error "Error in include template \"$templateFile\": $errorMsg"

    # In order to avoid potential problems with substitution
    # patterns containing ampersand or backslashes, we use here a
    # scripted, purely string based substitution (which applies only
    # at "compilation time", therefore, performance is less critical.
    # We have still to protect the case, that the passed-in $src
    # contains "__COMMAND__" which has to be protected. The
    # __DS_CODE__ is under our control, the content of __COMMAND__
    # will not be substituted.
    set containsMagicString [regsub -all __COMMAND__ $src \u0001 __SRC__]

    set __COMMAND__ $command
    foreach v {__DS_CODE__ __SRC__ __COMMAND__} {
        set startPos 0
        set s ""
        set l [string length $v]
        while {1} {
            set p [string first $v $snippet $startPos]
            if {$p == -1} {
                append s [string range $snippet $startPos end]
            append s [string range $snippet $startPos $p-1] [set $v]
            set startPos $p
            incr startPos $l
        #ns_log notice "=== include SNIPPET after $v substitution\n$s"
        set snippet $s
    if {$containsMagicString} {
        regsub -all \u0001 $snippet __COMMAND__ snippet
    #ns_log notice "final include SNIPPET\n$snippet"
    return $snippet
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