template::widget::textarea_internal (private)

 template::widget::textarea_internal name attribute_reference [ value ] \
    [ mode ] [ tag ]

Defined in packages/acs-templating/tcl/widget-procs.tcl

Do the actual construction of a textarea widget, called by various user-callable widgets.

name - Name of the widget.
attribute_reference - Reference variable to the tag_attributes passed to the calling widget proc.
value (optional) - Optional value
mode (defaults to "edit") - If edit, output the textarea HTML, otherwise pass along the value (if it exists) in a hidden HTML input tag
tag (defaults to "textarea")
Form HTML for widget

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 template::widget::richtext template::widget::richtext (public) template::widget::textarea_internal template::widget::textarea_internal template::widget::richtext->template::widget::textarea_internal template::widget::richtext_or_file template::widget::richtext_or_file (public) template::widget::richtext_or_file->template::widget::textarea_internal template::widget::textarea template::widget::textarea (public) template::widget::textarea->template::widget::textarea_internal template::widget::input template::widget::input (public) template::widget::textarea_internal->template::widget::input

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