util::backup_file (public)

 util::backup_file -file_path file_path \
    [ -backup_suffix backup_suffix ]

Defined in packages/acs-tcl/tcl/utilities-procs.tcl

Backs up (move) the file or directory with given path to a file/directory with a backup suffix. Will avoid overwriting old backup files by adding a number to the filename to make it unique. For example, suppose you are backing up /web/my-server/packages/my-package/file.txt and the file has already been backed up to /web/my-server/packages/my-package/file.txt.bak. Invoking this proc will then generate the backup file /web/my-server/packages/my-package/file.txt.bak.2

-file_path (required)
-backup_suffix (optional, defaults to ".bak")
The suffix to add to the backup file.
Peter Marklund

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 apm_package_install apm_package_install (public) util::backup_file util::backup_file apm_package_install->util::backup_file ad_file ad_file (public) util::backup_file->ad_file

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