util::http::append_to_payload (private)

 util::http::append_to_payload [ -content content ] [ -file file ] \
    [ -base64 ] encoding max_size payload spool_file wfd

Defined in packages/acs-tcl/tcl/http-client-procs.tcl

Appends content to a POST payload making sure this doesn't exceed given max size. When this happens, proc creates a spool file and writes there the content.

-content (optional)
-file (optional)
-base64 (optional, boolean)
encoding (required)
max_size (required)
payload (required)
spool_file (required)
wfd (required)
a list in the format {total_payload spooling_file spooling_file_handle}

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 util::http::post_payload util::http::post_payload (public) util::http::append_to_payload util::http::append_to_payload util::http::post_payload->util::http::append_to_payload ad_file ad_file (public) util::http::append_to_payload->ad_file ad_opentmpfile ad_opentmpfile (public) util::http::append_to_payload->ad_opentmpfile

No testcase defined.
Source code:
    set encode_p [expr {$encoding ni [list "binary" [encoding system]]}]

    set payload_size [string length $payload]

    # Get content size
    if {$file eq ""} {
        set content_size [string length $content]
    } else {
        set content_size [ad_file size $file]

    # Content size seems ok. Now try applying encoding
    if {$spool_file eq "" &&
        $payload_size + $content_size <= $max_size} {
        if {$file ne ""} {
            set rfd [open $file r]
            fconfigure $rfd -translation binary
            set content [read $rfd]
            close $rfd
        if {$base64_p} {
            set content [ns_base64encode $content]
        if {$encode_p} {
            set content [encoding convertto $encoding $content]
        set content_size [string length $content]

    if {$spool_file eq "" &&
        $payload_size + $content_size <= $max_size} {
        ## Payload small enough:
        # just append new content
        return [list ${payload}${content} {} {}]

    ## Payload is too big:

    if {$spool_file eq ""} {
        # create the spool file
        set wfd [ad_opentmpfile spool_file]
        fconfigure $wfd -translation binary

        # flush currently collected payload
        puts -nonewline $wfd $payload
        # set required encoding for next content
        if {$encode_p} {
            fconfigure $wfd -encoding $encoding

    # output content to spool file
    if {$file ne ""} {
        if {$base64_p} {
            # TODO: it's tricky to base64 encode without slurping
            # the whole file (exec + pipes?)
            error "Base64 encoding currently supported only for in-memory file POSTing"
        set rfd [open $file r]
        fconfigure $rfd -translation binary
        fconfigure $wfd -translation binary
        fcopy $rfd $wfd
        fconfigure $wfd -translation auto
        close $rfd
    } else {
        puts -nonewline $wfd $content

    return [list {} $spool_file $wfd]
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