util::http::native::request (private)

 util::http::native::request [ -url url ] [ -method method ] \
    [ -headers headers ] [ -body body ] [ -body_file body_file ] \
    [ -delete_body_file ] [ -timeout timeout ] [ -depth depth ] \
    [ -max_depth max_depth ] [ -force_ssl ] [ -gzip_request ] \
    [ -gzip_response ] [ -post_redirect ] [ -spool ]

Defined in packages/acs-tcl/tcl/http-client-procs.tcl

Issue an HTTP request either GET or POST to the url specified. This is the native implementation based on NaviServer HTTP API.

(defaults to "GET") (optional)
specifies an ns_set of extra headers to send to the server when doing the request. Some options exist that allow one to avoid the need to specify headers manually, but headers will always take precedence over options.
is the payload for the request and will be passed as is (useful for many purposes, such as webDav). A convenient way to specify form variables for POST payloads through this argument is passing a string obtained by 'export_vars -url'.
is an alternative way to specify the payload, useful in cases such as the upload of big files by POST. If specified, will have precedence over the 'body' parameter. Content of the file won't be encoded according with the content type of the request as happen with 'body'
(boolean) (optional)
decides whether remove body payload file once the request is over.
(defaults to "30") (optional)
Timeout in seconds. The value can be an integer, a floating point number or an ns_time value.
(defaults to "0") (optional)
(defaults to "10") (optional)
is the maximum number of redirects the proc is allowed to follow. A value of 0 disables redirection. When max depth for redirection has been reached, proc will return response from the last page we were redirected to. This is important if redirection response contains data such as cookies we need to obtain anyway. Be aware that when following redirects, unless it is a code 303 redirect, url and POST urlencoded variables will be sent again to the redirected host. Multipart variables won't be sent again. Sending to the redirected host can be dangerous, if such host is not trusted or uses a lower level of security.
(boolean) (optional)
specifies whether we want to use SSL despite the url being in http:// form. Default behavior is to use SSL on https:// URLs only.
(boolean) (optional)
informs the server that we are sending data in gzip format. Data will be automatically compressed. Notice that not all servers can treat gzipped requests properly, and in such cases response will likely be an error.
(boolean) (optional)
informs the server that we are capable of receiving gzipped responses. If server complies to our indication, the result will be automatically decompressed.
(boolean) (optional)
decides what happens when we are POSTing and server replies with 301, 302 or 303 redirects. RFC 2616/10.3.2 states that method should not change when 301 or 302 are returned, and that GET should be used on a 303 response, but most HTTP clients fail in respecting this and switch to a GET request independently. This option forces this kinds of redirect to conserve their original method. Notice that, as from RFC, a 303 redirect won't send again any data to the server, as specification says we can assume variables to have been received.
(boolean) (optional)
enables file spooling of the request on the file specified. It is useful when we expect large responses from the server. The result is spooled to a temporary file, the name is returned in the file component of the result.
the data as dict with elements 'headers', 'page', 'file', 'status', 'time' (elapsed request time in ns_time format), and 'modified'.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 util::http::follow_redirects util::http::follow_redirects (private) util::http::get_channel_settings util::http::get_channel_settings (private) util::http::native::request util::http::native::request util::http::native::request->util::http::follow_redirects util::http::native::request->util::http::get_channel_settings

No testcase defined.
Source code:
    set this_proc [lindex [info level 0] 0]

    set parsed_url [ns_parseurl $url]

    if {![dict exists $parsed_url proto] ||
        [dict get $parsed_url proto] ni {"http" "https"}} {
        return -code error "${this_proc}:  Invalid url:  $url"

    if {$headers eq ""} {
        set headers [ns_set create headers]

    # Determine whether we want to gzip the request.
    # Servers uncapable of treating such requests will likely throw an error...
    set req_content_encoding [ns_set iget $headers "content-encoding"]
    if {$req_content_encoding ne ""} {
        set gzip_request_p [string match "*gzip*" $req_content_encoding]
    } elseif {$gzip_request_p} {
        ns_set put $headers "Content-Encoding" "gzip"

    # See if we want the response to be gzipped by headers or options
    # Server can decide to ignore this and serve the encoding he desires.
    # I also say to server that whatever he can give me will do, in case.
    set req_accept_encoding [ns_set iget $headers "accept-encoding"]
    if {$req_accept_encoding ne ""} {
        set gzip_response_p [string match "*gzip*" $req_accept_encoding]
    } elseif {$gzip_response_p} {
        ns_set put $headers "Accept-Encoding" "gzip, */*"

    # zlib is mandatory when requiring compression
    if {$gzip_request_p || $gzip_response_p} {
        if {[namespace which zlib] eq ""} {
            return -code error "${this_proc}:  zlib support not enabled"

    ## Encoding of the request

    # Any conversion or encoding of the payload should happen only at
    # the first request and not on redirects
    if {$depth == 0} {
        set content_type [ns_set iget $headers "content-type"]
        if {$content_type eq ""} {
            set content_type "text/plain; charset=[ns_config ns/parameters OutputCharset iso-8859-1]"

        set enc [util::http::get_channel_settings $content_type]
        if {$enc ni [list "binary" [encoding system]]} {
            set body [encoding convertto $enc $body]

        if {$gzip_request_p} {
            set body [zlib gzip $body]

    ## Issuing of the request
    set cmd [list ns_http run  -timeout $timeout  -method $method  -headers $headers  -hostname [dict get $parsed_url host]]

    if {$body_file ne ""} {
        lappend cmd -body_file $body_file
    } elseif {$body ne ""} {
        lappend cmd -body $body
    if {$spool_p} {
        lappend cmd -spoolsize 0
    lappend cmd $url
    #ns_log notice "NS_HTTP $cmd"
    set r [{*}$cmd]

    set resp_headers [dict get $r headers]
    set status       [dict get $r status]
    set time         [dict get $r time]
    if {[dict exists $r file]} {
        set spool_file [dict get $r file]
        set page "${this_proc}: response spooled to '$spool_file'"
    } else {
        set spool_file ""
        set page [dict get $r body]

    # Get values from response headers, then remove them
    set content_type     [ns_set iget $resp_headers content-type]
    set content_encoding [ns_set iget $resp_headers content-encoding]
    set location         [ns_set iget $resp_headers location]
    set last_modified    [ns_set iget $resp_headers last-modified]
    # Move in a list to be returned to the caller
    set r_headers [ns_set array $resp_headers]
    ns_set free $resp_headers

    # Redirection handling
    if {$depth < $max_depth} {
        incr depth
        set redirection [util::http::follow_redirects  -url             $url  -method          $method  -status          $status  -location        $location  -body            $body  -body_file       $body_file  -delete_body_file=$delete_body_file_p  -headers         $headers  -timeout         $timeout  -depth           $depth  -max_depth       $max_depth  -force_ssl=$force_ssl_p  -gzip_request=$gzip_request_p  -gzip_response=$gzip_response_p  -post_redirect=$post_redirect_p  -spool=$spool_p  -preference "native"]
        if {$redirection ne ""} {
            return $redirection

    if {$delete_body_file_p} {
        file delete -force -- $body_file

    ## Decoding of the response

    # Translate into proper encoding
    set enc [util::http::get_channel_settings $content_type]
    if {$enc ni [list "binary" [encoding system]]} {
        set page [encoding convertfrom $enc $page]

    return [list  headers  $r_headers  page     $page  file     $spool_file  status   $status  time     $time  modified $last_modified]
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