util_close_html_tags (public)

 util_close_html_tags html_fragment [ break_soft ] [ break_hard ] \
    [ ellipsis ] [ more ]

Defined in packages/acs-tcl/tcl/text-html-procs.tcl

Given an HTML fragment, this procedure will close any tags that have been left open. The optional arguments let you specify that the fragment is to be truncated to a certain number of displayable characters. After break_soft, it truncates and closes open tags unless you're within non-breaking tags (e.g., Af). After break_hard displayable characters, the procedure simply truncates and closes any open HTML tags that might have resulted from the truncation.

Note that the internal syntax table dictates which tags are non-breaking. The syntax table has codes:

  • nobr -- treat tag as nonbreaking.
  • discard -- throws away everything until the corresponding close tag.
  • remove -- nuke this tag and its closing tag but leave contents.
  • close -- close this tag if left open.

html_fragment (required)
break_soft (optional, defaults to "0")
the number of characters you want the HTML fragment truncated to. Will allow certain tags (A, ADDRESS, NOBR) to close first.
break_hard (optional, defaults to "0")
the number of characters you want the HTML fragment truncated to. Will truncate, regardless of what tag is currently in action.
ellipsis (optional)
This will get put at the end of the truncated string, if the string was truncated. However, this counts towards the total string length, so that the returned string including ellipsis is guaranteed to be shorter than the 'len' provided.
more (optional)
This will get put at the end of the truncated string, if the string was truncated.
Jeff Davis <davis@xarg.net>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_util_close_html_tags util_close_html_tags (test acs-tcl) util_close_html_tags util_close_html_tags test_util_close_html_tags->util_close_html_tags acs::icanuse acs::icanuse (public) util_close_html_tags->acs::icanuse ad_log ad_log (public) util_close_html_tags->ad_log dom dom util_close_html_tags->dom util_close_html_tags_ns_parsehtml util_close_html_tags_ns_parsehtml (private) util_close_html_tags->util_close_html_tags_ns_parsehtml ad_html_text_convert ad_html_text_convert (public) ad_html_text_convert->util_close_html_tags packages/categories/lib/tree-form.tcl packages/categories/ lib/tree-form.tcl packages/categories/lib/tree-form.tcl->util_close_html_tags packages/categories/www/cadmin/category-form.tcl packages/categories/ www/cadmin/category-form.tcl packages/categories/www/cadmin/category-form.tcl->util_close_html_tags packages/news/www/preview.tcl packages/news/ www/preview.tcl packages/news/www/preview.tcl->util_close_html_tags

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