workflow::action::edit (public)
workflow::action::edit [ -operation operation ] \ [ -action_id action_id ] [ -workflow_id workflow_id ] \ [ -array array ] [ -internal ] [ -no_complain ] \ [ -handlers handlers ]
Defined in packages/workflow/tcl/action-procs.tcl
Edit an action. Attributes of the array:
Deprecated but still supported:
- short_name
- pretty_name
- pretty_past_tense
- edit_fields
- description
- description_mime_type
- sort_order
- always_enabled_p
- assigned_role
- timeout_seconds
- trigger_type
- parent_action
- parent_action_id
- privileges
- allowed_roles
- callbacks
- child_actions
- initial_action_p
- Switches:
- -operation (optional, defaults to
)- insert, update, delete
- -action_id (optional)
- For update/delete: The action to update or delete. For insert: Optionally specify a pre-generated action_id for the action.
- -workflow_id (optional)
- For update/delete: Optionally specify the workflow_id. If not specified, we will execute a query to find it. For insert: The workflow_id of the new action.
- -array (optional)
- For insert/update: Name of an array in the caller's namespace with attributes to insert/update.
- -internal (optional, boolean)
- Set this flag if you're calling this proc from within the corresponding proc for a particular workflow model. Will cause this proc to not flush the cache or call workflow::definition_changed_handler, which the caller must then do.
- -no_complain (optional, boolean)
- Silently ignore extra attributes that we don't know how to handle.
- -handlers (optional, defaults to
" roles "workflow::role" actions "workflow::action" "
)- Returns:
- action_id
- Author:
- Lars Pind <>
- See Also:
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: switch $operation { update - delete { if { $action_id eq "" } { error "You must specify the action_id of the action to $operation." } } insert {} default { error "Illegal operation '$operation'" } } switch $operation { insert - update { upvar 1 $array row if { ![array exists row] } { error "Array $array does not exist or is not an array" } foreach name [array names row] { set missing_elm($name) 1 } } } switch $operation { insert { if { $workflow_id eq "" } { error "You must supply workflow_id" } # Default sort_order if { (![info exists row(sort_order)] || $row(sort_order) eq "") } { set row(sort_order) [workflow::default_sort_order -workflow_id $workflow_id -table_name "workflow_actions"] } # Default short_name on insert if { ![info exists row(short_name)] } { set row(short_name) {} } } update - delete { if { $workflow_id eq "" } { set workflow_id [workflow::action::get_element -action_id $action_id -element workflow_id] } } } # Parse column values switch $operation { insert - update { # Special-case: array entry parent_action (takes short_name) and parent_action_id (takes action_id) -- # DB column is parent_action_id (takes action_id_id) if { [info exists row(parent_action)] } { if { [info exists row(parent_action_id)] } { error "You cannot supply both parent_action ($row(parent_action)) (takes short_name) and parent_action_id ($row(parent_action_id)) (takes action_id)" } if { $row(parent_action) ne "" } { set row(parent_action_id) [workflow::action::get_id -workflow_id $workflow_id -short_name $row(parent_action)] } unset row(parent_action) unset missing_elm(parent_action) } # Record if this is an initial action (deprecated) if { [info exists row(initial_action_p)] } { if { [info exists row(trigger_type)] && $row(trigger_type) ne "user" } { error "You can't specify both initial_action_p (which is deprecated) and trigger_type (which has replaced it) at the same time. Stick to trigger_type." } if { [string is true -strict $row(initial_action_p)] } { set row(trigger_type) "init" } unset row(initial_action_p) unset missing_elm(initial_action_p) } set update_clauses [list] set insert_names [list] set insert_values [list] # Handle columns in the workflow_actions table foreach attr { short_name pretty_name pretty_past_tense edit_fields description description_mime_type sort_order always_enabled_p assigned_role timeout_seconds trigger_type parent_action_id } { if { [info exists row($attr)] } { set varname attr_$attr # Convert the Tcl value to something we can use in the query switch $attr { short_name { if { (![info exists row(pretty_name)] || $row(pretty_name) eq "") } { if { $row(short_name) eq "" } { error "You cannot edit with an empty short_name without also setting pretty_name" } else { set row(pretty_name) {} } } set $varname [workflow::action::generate_short_name -workflow_id $workflow_id -pretty_name $row(pretty_name) -short_name $row(short_name) -action_id $action_id] } always_enabled_p { set $varname [db_boolean [string is true -strict $row($attr)]] } assigned_role { if { $row($attr) eq "" } { set $varname "" } else { # Get role_id by short_name set $varname [workflow::role::get_id -workflow_id $workflow_id -short_name $row($attr)] } } default { set $varname $row($attr) } } # Add the column to the insert/update statement switch $attr { timeout_seconds { lappend update_clauses "[db_map update_timeout_seconds_name] = [db_map update_timeout_seconds_value]" lappend insert_names [db_map update_timeout_seconds_name] lappend insert_values [db_map update_timeout_seconds_value] } default { lappend update_clauses "$attr = :$varname" lappend insert_names $attr lappend insert_values :$varname } } if { [info exists missing_elm($attr)] } { unset missing_elm($attr) } } } } } db_transaction { # Sort_order switch $operation { insert - update { if { [info exists row(sort_order)] } { workflow::action::update_sort_order -workflow_id $workflow_id -sort_order $row(sort_order) } } } # Do the insert/update/delete switch $operation { insert { if { $action_id eq "" } { set action_id [db_nextval "workflow_actions_seq"] } lappend insert_names action_id lappend insert_values :action_id lappend insert_names workflow_id lappend insert_values :workflow_id db_dml insert_action " insert into workflow_actions ([join $insert_names ", "]) values ([join $insert_values ", "]) " } update { if { [llength $update_clauses] > 0 } { db_dml update_action " update workflow_actions set [join $update_clauses ", "] where action_id = :action_id " } } delete { db_dml delete_action { delete from workflow_actions where action_id = :action_id } } } # Auxiliary rows switch $operation { insert - update { # Record which roles are allowed to take action if { [info exists row(allowed_roles)] } { db_dml delete_allowed_roles { delete from workflow_action_allowed_roles where action_id = :action_id } foreach allowed_role $row(allowed_roles) { db_dml insert_allowed_role {} } unset missing_elm(allowed_roles) } # Record which privileges enable the action if { [info exists row(privileges)] } { db_dml delete_privileges { delete from workflow_action_privileges where action_id = :action_id } foreach privilege $row(privileges) { db_dml insert_privilege {} } unset missing_elm(privileges) } # Callbacks if { [info exists row(callbacks)] } { db_dml delete_callbacks { delete from workflow_action_callbacks where action_id = :action_id } foreach callback_name $row(callbacks) { workflow::action::callback_insert -action_id $action_id -name $callback_name } unset missing_elm(callbacks) } # Child actions foreach { type namespace } $handlers { # type is 'roles', 'actions', 'states', etc. if { [info exists row(child_${type})] } { # First, delete existing objects foreach existing_action_id [${namespace}::get_ids -workflow_id $workflow_id -parent_action_id $action_id] { # LARS: Ugly as hell with the string range to cut from 'actions' to 'action_id' ${namespace}::edit -[string range $type 0 end-1]_id $existing_action_id } foreach { child_short_name child_spec } $row(child_${type}) { array unset child array set child $child_spec set child(short_name) $child_short_name set child(parent_action_id) $action_id # string trim everything foreach key [array names child] { set child($key) [string trim $child($key)] } ${namespace}::edit -internal -handlers $handlers -operation "insert" -workflow_id $workflow_id -array child } unset missing_elm(child_${type}) } } # Check that there are no unknown attributes if { [array size missing_elm] > 0 && !$no_complain_p } { error "Trying to set illegal action attributes: [join [array names missing_elm] ", "]" } } } if { !$internal_p } { workflow::definition_changed_handler -workflow_id $workflow_id } } return $action_idGeneric XQL file: <fullquery name="workflow::action::edit.insert_privilege"> <querytext> insert into workflow_action_privileges (action_id, privilege) values (:action_id, :privilege) </querytext> </fullquery> <fullquery name="workflow::action::edit.insert_initial_action"> <querytext> insert into workflow_initial_action (workflow_id, action_id) values (:workflow_id, :action_id) </querytext> </fullquery> <fullquery name="workflow::action::edit.insert_allowed_role"> <querytext> insert into workflow_action_allowed_roles select :action_id, (select role_id from workflow_roles where workflow_id = :workflow_id and short_name = :allowed_role) as role_id from dual </querytext> </fullquery>packages/workflow/tcl/action-procs.xql
PostgreSQL XQL file: <fullquery name="workflow::action::edit.update_timeout_seconds_name"> <querytext> timeout </querytext> </fullquery> <fullquery name="workflow::action::edit.update_timeout_seconds_value"> <querytext> [ad_decode $attr_timeout_seconds "" "null" "interval '$attr_timeout_seconds seconds'"] </querytext> </fullquery>packages/workflow/tcl/action-procs-postgresql.xql
Oracle XQL file: <fullquery name="workflow::action::edit.update_timeout_seconds_name"> <querytext> timeout_seconds </querytext> </fullquery> <fullquery name="workflow::action::edit.update_timeout_seconds_value"> <querytext> :attr_timeout_seconds </querytext> </fullquery>packages/workflow/tcl/action-procs-oracle.xql