workflow::case::get_activity_html (private)
workflow::case::get_activity_html -case_id case_id \ [ -action_id action_id ] [ -max_n_actions max_n_actions ] \ [ -style style ]
Defined in packages/workflow/tcl/case-procs.tcl
Get the activity log for a case as an HTML chunk. If action_id is non-empty, it means that we're in the progress of executing that action, and the corresponding line for the current action will be appended.
- Switches:
- -case_id (required)
- The case for which you want the activity log.
- -action_id (optional)
- optional action which is currently being executed.
- -max_n_actions (optional)
- Limit history to the max_n_actions number of most recent actions
- -style (optional, defaults to
)- Returns:
- Activity log as HTML
- Author:
- Lars Pind <>
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: set default_file_stub [file join [acs_package_root_dir "workflow"] lib activity-entry] set file_stub [template::util::url_to_file $style $default_file_stub] if { ![file exists "${file_stub}.adp"] } { ns_log Warning "workflow::case::get_activity_html: Cannot find log entry template file $file_stub, reverting to default template." # We always have a template named 'activity-entry' set file_stub $default_file_stub } # ensure that the style template has been compiled and is up-to-date set stub_call [template::adp_init adp $file_stub] set activity_entry_list [get_activity_log_info_not_cached -case_id $case_id] set start_index 0 if { $max_n_actions ne "" && [llength $activity_entry_list] > $max_n_actions} { # Only return the last max_n_actions actions set start_index [expr {[llength $activity_entry_list] - $max_n_actions}] } set log_html {} foreach entry_arraylist [lrange $activity_entry_list $start_index end] { foreach { var value } $entry_arraylist { set $var $value } set comment_html [ad_html_text_convert -from $comment_mime_type -to "text/html" -- $comment] if { [ad_conn isconnected] == 1 } { set community_member_url [acs_community_member_url -user_id $creation_user] } else { set community_member_url [export_vars -base [parameter::get -package_id [ad_acs_kernel_id] -parameter CommunityMemberURL -default "/shared/community-member"] {user_id $ass(party_id)}] } # The output of this procedure will be placed in __adp_output in this stack frame. $stub_call append log_html $__adp_output } if { $action_id ne "" } { set action_pretty_past_tense [lang::util::localize [workflow::action::get_element -action_id $action_id -element pretty_past_tense]] # sets first_names, last_name, email acs_user::get -user_id [ad_conn untrusted_user_id] -array user set creation_date_pretty [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%b %e, %Y"] set comment_html {} set user_first_names $user(first_names) set user_last_name $user(last_name) if { [ad_conn isconnected] == 1 } { set community_member_url [acs_community_member_url -user_id [ad_conn untrusted_user_id]] } else { set community_member_url [export_vars -base [parameter::get -package_id [ad_acs_kernel_id] -parameter CommunityMemberURL -default "/shared/community-member"] {user_id $ass(party_id)}] } # The output of this procedure will be placed in __adp_output in this stack frame. $stub_call append log_html $__adp_output } return $log_htmlGeneric XQL file: packages/workflow/tcl/case-procs.xql
PostgreSQL XQL file: packages/workflow/tcl/case-procs-postgresql.xql
Oracle XQL file: packages/workflow/tcl/case-procs-oracle.xql