workflow::case::get_notification_requests_multirow (public)
workflow::case::get_notification_requests_multirow \ -multirow_name multirow_name [ -label label ] \ [ -workflow_id workflow_id ] [ -case_id case_id ] \ [ -return_url return_url ]
Defined in packages/workflow/tcl/case-procs.tcl
Returns a multirow with columns url, label, title, of the possible workflow notification types. Use this to present the user with a list of subscription links.
- Switches:
- -multirow_name (required)
- -label (optional)
- -workflow_id (optional)
- -case_id (optional)
- -return_url (optional)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: array set pretty { workflow_assignee {my actions} workflow_my_cases {my cases} workflow_case {this case} workflow {cases in this workflow} } template::multirow create $multirow_name url label title foreach type { workflow_assignee workflow_my_cases workflow_case workflow } { set url [get_notification_request_url -type $type -workflow_id $workflow_id -case_id $case_id -return_url $return_url] if { $url ne "" } { set title "Subscribe to $pretty($type)" if { $label ne "" } { set row_label $label } else { set row_label $title } template::multirow append $multirow_name $url $row_label $title } }Generic XQL file: packages/workflow/tcl/case-procs.xql
PostgreSQL XQL file: packages/workflow/tcl/case-procs-postgresql.xql
Oracle XQL file: packages/workflow/tcl/case-procs-oracle.xql