workflow::case::new (public)
workflow::case::new [ -no_notification ] -workflow_id workflow_id \ [ -case_id case_id ] [ -object_id object_id ] [ -comment comment ] \ [ -comment_mime_type comment_mime_type ] [ -user_id user_id ] \ [ -assignment assignment ] [ -package_id package_id ] \ [ -initial_action_id initial_action_id ]
Defined in packages/workflow/tcl/case-procs.tcl
Start a new case for this workflow and object.
- Switches:
- -no_notification (optional, boolean)
- -workflow_id (required)
- The ID of the workflow for the case.
- -case_id (optional)
- -object_id (optional)
- The object_id which the case is about
- -comment (optional)
- -comment_mime_type (optional)
- text/html, text/plain, text/pre, text/enhanced.
- -user_id (optional)
- -assignment (optional)
- Array-list of role_short_name and list of party_ids to assign to roles before starting.
- -package_id (optional)
- -initial_action_id (optional)
- Returns:
- The case_id of the case.
- Author:
- Lars Pind <>
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: if { (![info exists user_id] || $user_id eq "") } { set user_id [ad_conn user_id] } if { (![info exists package_id] || $package_id eq "") } { set package_id [ad_conn package_id] } db_transaction { # Initial action if {0} { # get initial action not from cache array set row [workflow::get_not_cached -workflow_id $workflow_id] set initial_action_id $row(initial_action_id) array unset row } if {$initial_action_id eq ""} { set initial_action_id [workflow::get_element -workflow_id $workflow_id -element initial_action_id] } if { $initial_action_id eq "" } { # If there is no initial-action, we create one now # TODO: Should we do this here, or throw an error like we used to? # If we change this, we should throw an error instead set action_row(pretty_name) "Start" set action_row(pretty_past_tense) "Started" set action_row(trigger_type) "init" set states [workflow::fsm::get_states -workflow_id $workflow_id] if { [llength $states] == 0 } { error "workflow $workflow_id doesn't have any states" } # We use the first state as the initial state set action_row(new_state_id) [lindex $states 0] # Add the new initial action set initial_action_id [workflow::action::fsm::edit -operation "insert" -array action_row -workflow_id $workflow_id] workflow::flush_cache -workflow_id $workflow_id } else { # NOTE: FSM-specific check here workflow::action::fsm::get -action_id $initial_action_id -array initial_action set new_state $initial_action(new_state) if { $new_state eq "" } { error "Initial action with short_name \"$initial_action(short_name)\" does not have any new_state. In order to be an initial state, it must have new_state set." } } # Insert the case set case_id [insert -workflow_id $workflow_id -case_id $case_id -object_id $object_id] # Assign roles if { ([info exists assignment] && $assignment ne "") } { array set assignment_array $assignment workflow::case::role::assign -case_id $case_id -array assignment_array } # Execute the initial action workflow::case::action::execute -no_notification=$no_notification_p -case_id $case_id -action_id $initial_action_id -comment $comment -comment_mime_type $comment_mime_type -user_id $user_id -package_id $package_id -initial } return $case_idGeneric XQL file: packages/workflow/tcl/case-procs.xql
PostgreSQL XQL file: packages/workflow/tcl/case-procs-postgresql.xql
Oracle XQL file: packages/workflow/tcl/case-procs-oracle.xql