workflow::tree::sorter::sort_list_of_lists (public)
workflow::tree::sorter::sort_list_of_lists -list list -sort_by sort_by \ -object_id object_id -parent_object_id parent_object_id
Defined in packages/workflow/tcl/workflow-tree-procs.tcl
Sort the given list-of-lists. The list should have 3-4 columns:
The display name is the only column which is not critical for sorting the tree.
- Display Name (should have any padding you want)
- Object ID
- Parent Object ID
- Object Name
# Get a list that can be used as the options of a 'select' widget in ad_form set directories [db_list_of_lists get_directories { select lpad(' ', (level-1)*4*6 + 1, ' ') || directory_name as directory_name, directory_id, parent_directory_id, directory_name from directories start with parent_directory_id is null connect by prior directory_id = parent_directory_id }] # Sort the options set directories [tree::sorter::sort_lists_of_lists -list $directories -sort_by 3 -object_id 1 -parent_object_id 2]
- Switches:
- -list (required)
- The list-of-lists that should be sorted as a tree.
- -sort_by (required)
- The index of the element in each row which should be used to sort by.
- -object_id (required)
- The index of the element in each row which uniquely identifies it.
- -parent_object_id (required)
- The index of the element in each row which contains the unique identifier of its parent.
- Author:
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: # Setup the format for sort-keys set max_length_of_sort_by 0 foreach row $list { set length_of_sort_by [string length [lindex $row $sort_by]] if {$length_of_sort_by > $max_length_of_sort_by} { set max_length_of_sort_by $length_of_sort_by } } set sort_key_format "%-${max_length_of_sort_by}s%08s" # Setup the list to save results in and two stacks set tree [list] set sort_key_stack [list] set object_id_stack [list] # Make a full-sort-key for each row foreach row $list { set oid [lindex $row $object_id] set parent_id [lindex $row $parent_object_id] set sort_key [format $sort_key_format [lindex $row $sort_by] $parent_id] # Find parent in stack set pos_in_stack [expr {[lsearch $object_id_stack $parent_id] + 1}] # Clear anything after parent from the stack if {$pos_in_stack < [llength $object_id_stack]} { set object_id_stack [lreplace $object_id_stack $pos_in_stack end ] set sort_key_stack [lreplace $sort_key_stack $pos_in_stack end ] } # Push the current object on the stack lappend object_id_stack $oid lappend sort_key_stack $sort_key # Save the full_sort_key with the row in the tree set full_sort_key [join $sort_key_stack //] lappend row $full_sort_key lappend tree $row } # Sort the rows set tree [lsort -dictionary -index end $tree] return $treeXQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle