xmlrpc::httppost (private)

 xmlrpc::httppost [ -url url ] [ -timeout timeout ] [ -depth depth ] \
    [ -content content ]

Defined in packages/xml-rpc/tcl/xml-rpc-procs.tcl

The proc util_httppost doesn't work for our needs. We need to send Content-type of text/xml and we need to send a Host header. So, roll our own XML-RPC HTTP POST. Wait - lars-blogger sends out XML-RPC pings to weblogs.com. I'll steal the POST code from there and simplify that call.

-url (optional)
-timeout (optional, defaults to "30")
-depth (optional, defaults to "0")
-content (optional)
Vinod Kurup

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 xmlrpc::remote_call xmlrpc::remote_call (public) xmlrpc::httppost xmlrpc::httppost xmlrpc::remote_call->xmlrpc::httppost util::http::post util::http::post (public) xmlrpc::httppost->util::http::post

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