xo::Authorize method get_required_fields (protected)
<instance of xo::Authorize> get_required_fields -claims claims \ -mapped_fields mapped_fields
Defined in packages/xooauth/tcl/authorize-procs.tcl
Check, if required fields are provided in the claims and perform the name mapping between what was provided from the identity provided and what we need in OpenACS.
- Switches:
- -claims (required)
- -mapped_fields (required)
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: set result "" set fields {} foreach pair $mapped_fields { lassign $pair field target if {[dict exists $claims $field]} { dict set fields $target [dict get $claims $field] } } dict set result fields $fields foreach field [:required_fields] { if {![dict exists $fields $field] || [dict get $fields $field] in {"" "null"} } { set not_enough_data $field break } } if {[info exists not_enough_data]} { ns_log warning "[self] get_user_data: not enough data:" $not_enough_data "is missing" "($field -> $target, claims: $claims)" dict set result error oacs-not_enough_data } return $resultXQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle