xo::Authorize method get_required_fields (protected)

 <instance of xo::Authorize[i]> get_required_fields -claims claims  \
    -mapped_fields mapped_fields 

Defined in packages/xooauth/tcl/authorize-procs.tcl

Check, if required fields are provided in the claims and perform the name mapping between what was provided from the identity provided and what we need in OpenACS.


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):

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Source code:
set result ""

set fields {}
foreach pair $mapped_fields {
    lassign $pair field target
    if {[dict exists $claims $field]} {
        dict set fields $target [dict get $claims $field]
dict set result fields $fields
foreach field [:required_fields] {
    if {![dict exists $fields $field]
        || [dict get $fields $field] in {"" "null"}
    } {
        set not_enough_data $field

if {[info exists not_enough_data]} {
    ns_log warning "[self] get_user_data: not enough data:"  $not_enough_data "is missing"  "($field -> $target, claims: $claims)"
    dict set result error oacs-not_enough_data
return $result
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Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle
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