xo::library proc source_dependent (public)

 xo::library[i] source_dependent

Defined in /var/www/openacs.org/packages/xotcl-core/tcl/04-library-procs.tcl

Source files extending classes of the current file. When classes are defined in this file and (some) of their methods are defined in other files, we have to load the methods of the other files after the classes are recreated in this file (recreation of classes deletes the old methods). Use "::xo::library source_dependent" at the end of a file when the classes are defined.

No testcase defined.
Source code:
set myfile [file tail [info script]]
set dirname [file dirname [info script]]
set vn [self]
#:log "--check nsv_exists $vn $dirname/$myfile [nsv_exists $vn $dirname/$myfile]"
if {[nsv_exists $vn $dirname/$myfile]} {
  foreach file [nsv_get $vn $dirname/$myfile] {
    incr ::__source_dependent_level
    ns_log notice "--sourcing dependent ($::__source_dependent_level$myfile -> $file"
    apm_source $file
    incr ::__source_dependent_level -1
XQL Not present:
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