xo::Authorize method perform_login (public)

 <instance of xo::Authorize[i]> perform_login [ -token token ] \
    [ -state state ]

Defined in packages/xooauth/tcl/authorize-procs.tcl

Get the provided claims from the identity provider and perform an OpenACS login, when the user exists. In case the user does not exist, create it optionally (when "create_not_registered_users" is activated. When the user is created, and dotlrn is installed, the new user might be added optionally as a dotlrn user with the role as specified in "create_with_dotlrn_role".


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ad_user_login ad_user_login (public) xo::Authorize instproc perform_login xo::Authorize instproc perform_login xo::Authorize instproc perform_login->ad_user_login

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