xowf::WorkflowPage instproc call_action (public)
<instance of xowf::WorkflowPage> call_action [ -action action ] \ [ -attributes attributes ]
Defined in /var/www/openacs.org/packages/xowf/tcl/xowf-procs.tcl
Call the specified action in the current workflow instance. The specified attributes are provided like form_parameters to the action of the workflow.
- Switches:
- -action (optional)
- -attributes (optional)
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: if {![:is_wf_instance]} { error "Page [self] is not a Workflow Instance" } set actionObj [:get_action_obj -action $action] return [$actionObj invoke -attributes $attributes]XQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle