xowf::WorkflowPage instproc render_icon (public)
<instance of xowf::WorkflowPage> render_icon
Defined in /var/www/openacs.org/packages/xowf/tcl/xowf-procs.tcl
Provide an icon or text for describing the kind of application.
- Testcases:
- create_workflow_with_instance
Source code: if {[:info procs render_icon] ne ""} { # # In case, we have a per-object method (i.e., defined via the # workflow), use this with highest precedence. # next } elseif {[:is_wf_instance]} { set page_template ${:page_template} set title [::$page_template title] regsub {[.]wf$} $title "" title return [list text $title is_richtext false] } elseif {[:is_wf]} { return [list text "Workflow" is_richtext false] } else { next }XQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle