xowf::test_item::Question_manager method describe_form (public)

 <instance of xowf::test_item::Question_manager[i]> describe_form \
    [ -asHTML ] [ -field_name field_name ] form_obj

Defined in packages/xowf/tcl/test-item-procs.tcl

Call for every form field of the form_obj the "describe" method and return these infos in a form of a list.

-asHTML (optional)
-field_name (optional)
form_obj (required)

No testcase defined.
Source code:
set describe_infos {}

if {[$form_obj property item_type] eq "Composite"} {
  # In the case of a composite Composite question type, describe
  # the components rather than the compound part (maybe, we
  # should describe in the future also the container, but this
  # actually less interesting).
  set selection [dict get [$form_obj instance_attributes]  question question.interaction question.interaction.selection]
  set form_objs [[$form_obj package_id] instantiate_forms  -forms [join [split $selection \n] |]  -default_lang en]

  set describe_infos [join [lmap form_obj_tmp $form_objs {
                              set describe_info [join [:describe_form -field_name $field_name $form_obj_tmp]]
                              list [lappend describe_info is_composite_subquestion 1]
  set fc {selection:form_page}
} else {
  set fc [$form_obj property form_constraints]

# We might be willing in the future to get the full set of all
# options, i.e. remove "show_max" constraints etc.
#ns_log notice DESCRIBE-BEFORE--$fc
#set fc [:replace_in_fc -fc $fc shuffle_kind none]
#set fc [:replace_in_fc -fc $fc show_max ""]
#ns_log notice DESCRIBE-changed

set form_fields [$form_obj create_form_fields_from_form_constraints  -lookup $fc]
set ff_describe_infos [lmap form_field $form_fields {
  $form_field describe -field_name $field_name

#ns_log notice "describe_form [$form_obj name]: $question_infos"
set describe_infos [:pretty_nr_alternatives "$ff_describe_infos $describe_infos"]
if {!$asHTML} {
  #ns_log notice "OOO [$form_obj name] early exit $describe_infos"
  return $describe_infos
} else {
  set HTML [:render_describe_infos $describe_infos]
  return $HTML
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