xowf::test_item::Question_manager method percent_substitute_in_form (public)
<instance of xowf::test_item::Question_manager> percent_substitute_in_form \ [ -obj obj ] [ -form_obj form_obj ] [ -position position ] html
Defined in packages/xowf/tcl/test-item-procs.tcl
Perform percent substitution in the provided HTML, form_constraints and disabled_form_constraints and return the result as a dict.
- Switches:
- -obj (optional, object)
- -form_obj (optional, object)
- -position (optional, integer)
- Parameters:
- html (required)
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: set form_name [$form_obj name] set seed [lindex [$obj property seeds] $position] set substvalues [$form_obj property substvalues] #ns_log notice "CHECK-AA $form_name seed <$seed> // seeds <[$obj property seeds]> // subs '$substvalues'" set fc [$form_obj property form_constraints] set dfc [$form_obj property disabled_form_constraints] if {$seed eq "" && $substvalues ne ""} { ns_log warning "percent_substitute_in_form cannot substitute percent variables in $form_name" } else { if {$substvalues ne ""} { set html [:percent_substitute -seed $seed -substvalues $substvalues $html] set fc [:percent_substitute -seed $seed -substvalues $substvalues $fc] set dfc [:percent_substitute -verbose -seed $seed -substvalues [$form_obj property substvalues] $dfc] } } return [list form $html form_constraints $fc disabled_form_constraints $dfc]XQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle