xowiki::Package instproc reparent (public)
<instance of xowiki::Package> reparent -item_id item_id \ -new_parent_id new_parent_id \ [ -allowed_parent_types allowed_parent_types ]
Defined in /var/www/openacs.org/packages/xowiki/tcl/package-procs.tcl
Reparent a wiki page from one parent page to another one. The function changes the parent_id in cr_items, updates the cr-child-rels, and clears the caches. The function does not require the item to be instantiated. Limitations: The method does not perform permission checks (whether the actual user has rights to move the page to another parent folder), which should be implemented by the calling methods. Currently, the method does not perform cycle checks. It might be recommended to make sure the target parent is in the same package instance.
- Switches:
- -item_id (required, integer)
- item_id of the item to be moved
- -new_parent_id (required, integer)
- item_id of the target parent
- -allowed_parent_types (optional, defaults to
"::xowiki::FormPage ::xowiki::Page"
)- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.