xowiki::Package instproc www-rss (public)

 <instance of xowiki::Package[i]> www-rss [ -maxentries maxentries ] \
    [ -name_filter name_filter ] [ -entries_of entries_of ] \
    [ -title title ] [ -days days ]

Defined in packages/xowiki/tcl/package-procs.tcl

This web-callable method reports the content of xowiki folder in rss 2.0 format. The reporting order is descending by date. The title of the feed is taken from the title, the description is taken from the description field of the folder object.

-maxentries (optional)
maximum number of entries retrieved
-name_filter (optional)
-entries_of (optional)
-title (optional)
-days (optional)
report entries changed in specified last days

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):

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