xowiki::cr_thin_out (private)

 xowiki::cr_thin_out [ -doit ] [ -delete_orphans ] \
    [ -delete_sequences ] [ -edit_interval edit_interval ] \
    [ -older_than older_than ] [ -package_id package_id ] \
    [ -item_id item_id ]

Defined in packages/xowiki/tcl/xowiki-utility-procs.tcl

Delete supposedly unimportant items and revision from the content repository.

(boolean) (defaults to "false") (optional)
if not true, then just write delete operation to the logfile
(boolean) (defaults to "false") (optional)
if true, delete orphaned items
(boolean) (defaults to "false") (optional)
if true, delete revisions from edit sequences lower than edit_interval
(defaults to "300") (optional)
delete entries, which never become older than this interval (in seconds, default 300)
(defaults to "1 month ago") (optional)
delete only entries, which were modified longer than the provided time ago
if specified, perform operation just on the specified package
if specified, perform operation just on the specified item

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 xo::db::tcl_date xo::db::tcl_date (public) xowiki::cr_thin_out xowiki::cr_thin_out xowiki::cr_thin_out->xo::db::tcl_date

No testcase defined.
Source code:
    set extra_clause ""
    if {[info exists package_id]} {
      append extra_clause " and o.package_id = :package_id"
    if {[info exists item_id]} {
      append extra_clause " and i.item_id = :item_id"

    # only delete revisions older than this date
    set older_than [clock scan $older_than]

    if {$delete_orphans} {
      # Removes orphaned items, where a user pressed "new", but never
      # saved the page. We could check as well, if the item has
      # exactly one revision.
      set sql "
         select i.name, o.package_id, i.item_id, r.revision_id, o.last_modified
         from acs_objects o, xowiki_page p, cr_revisions r, cr_items i
         where p.page_id = r.revision_id and r.item_id = i.item_id and o.object_id = r.revision_id
         and i.publish_status = 'production' and i.name = r.revision_id::varchar
      foreach tuple [::xo::dc list_of_lists get_revisions $sql] {
        #::xotcl::Object msg "tuple = $tuple"
        lassign $tuple name package_id item_id revision_id last_modified
        set time [clock scan [::xo::db::tcl_date $last_modified tz_var]]
        if {$time > $older_thancontinue
        ::xotcl::Object log "...will delete $name doit=$doit $last_modified"
        if {$doit} {
          ::xowiki::Package require $package_id
          ::$package_id delete -item_id $item_id -name $name

    if {$delete_sequences} {
      # The second query removes quick edits, where from a sequence of edits of the same user,
      # only the last edit is kept
      set sql "
        select i.name, i.item_id, r.revision_id,  o.last_modified, o.creation_user, o.package_id
        from acs_objects o, xowiki_page p, cr_revisions r, cr_items i
        where p.page_id = r.revision_id and r.item_id = i.item_id
        and o.object_id = r.revision_id
        order by item_id, revision_id asc
      set last_item ""
      set last_time 0
      set last_user ""
      set last_revision ""

      foreach tuple [::xo::dc list_of_lists get_revisions $sql] {
        #::xotcl::Object msg "tuple = $tuple"
        lassign $tuple name item_id revision_id last_modified user package_id
        set time [clock scan [::xo::db::tcl_date $last_modified tz_var]]
        if {$time > $older_thancontinue
        #::xotcl::Object msg "compare time $time with $older_than => [expr {$time < $older_than}]"
        if {$last_user eq $user && $last_item == $item_id} {
          set timediff [expr {$time-$last_time}]
          #::xotcl::Object msg "   timediff=[expr {$time-$last_time}]"
          if {$timediff < $edit_interval && $timediff >= 0} {
            ::xotcl::Object log "...will delete $name revision=$last_revision, doit=$doit $last_modified"
            if {$doit} {
              ::xowiki::Package require $package_id
              ::$package_id delete_revision -revision_id $last_revision -item_id $item_id
        set last_user $user
        set last_time $time
        set last_item $item_id
        set last_revision $revision_id
XQL Not present:
Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle
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