xowiki::formfield::child_components (public)

 xowiki::formfield::child_components [ -filter filter ] objs

Defined in packages/xowiki/tcl/form-field-procs.tcl

For every form-field obj in the provided objs, return a list of all child components (potentially leaf components of compound fields). The result list is filtered by the optional filter expression, which can refer to the current object via variable $_.

(defaults to "true") (optional)
objs - input form-field objs

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 Class ::xowf::test_item::Answer_manager Class ::xowf::test_item::Answer_manager (public) xowiki::formfield::child_components xowiki::formfield::child_components Class ::xowf::test_item::Answer_manager->xowiki::formfield::child_components xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc get_non_empty_file_formfields xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc get_non_empty_file_formfields (protected) xowf::test_item::Answer_manager instproc get_non_empty_file_formfields->xowiki::formfield::child_components

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