xowiki::BootstrapNavbarDropdownMenu instproc render (public)

 <instance of xowiki::BootstrapNavbarDropdownMenu[i]> render

Defined in packages/xowiki/tcl/bootstrap-procs.tcl


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_create_folder_with_page create_folder_with_page (test xowf) xowiki::BootstrapNavbarDropdownMenu instproc render xowiki::BootstrapNavbarDropdownMenu instproc render test_create_folder_with_page->xowiki::BootstrapNavbarDropdownMenu instproc render test_create_workflow_with_instance create_workflow_with_instance (test xowf) test_create_workflow_with_instance->xowiki::BootstrapNavbarDropdownMenu instproc render html::a html::a xowiki::BootstrapNavbarDropdownMenu instproc render->html::a html::li html::li xowiki::BootstrapNavbarDropdownMenu instproc render->html::li html::t html::t xowiki::BootstrapNavbarDropdownMenu instproc render->html::t html::ul html::ul xowiki::BootstrapNavbarDropdownMenu instproc render->html::ul

create_folder_with_page, create_workflow_with_instance
Source code:
# TODO: Add support for group-headers
# get group header
set group " "

html::li -class "nav-item dropdown" {
  set class "nav-link dropdown-toggle"
  if {${:brand}} {
    lappend class "navbar-brand"
  set data_attribute [expr {[::xowiki::CSS toolkit] eq "bootstrap5" ? "data-bs" : "data"}]
  html::a -href "\#" -class $class -$data_attribute-toggle "dropdown" {
    html::t ${:text}
  html::ul -class "dropdown-menu" {
    foreach dropdownmenuitem [:children] {
      if {[$dropdownmenuitem set group] ne ""
          && [$dropdownmenuitem set group] ne $group
        } {
        if {$group ne " "} {
          html::li -class "divider dropdown-divider"
        set group [$dropdownmenuitem set group]
      $dropdownmenuitem render
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