xowiki::filter_option_list (public)

 xowiki::filter_option_list option_list except

Defined in packages/xowiki/tcl/xowiki-utility-procs.tcl

Process an option list (pairs of label and id) suitable to be passed to several widgets and remove all entries having an id from the except list.

option_list - list of labels and ids
except - list of internal ids
filtered option list

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_api_filter_option_list api_filter_option_list (test xowiki) xowiki::filter_option_list xowiki::filter_option_list test_api_filter_option_list->xowiki::filter_option_list

Source code:
    if {[llength $except] == 0} {
      return $option_list
    return [lmap tuple $option_list {
      if {[lindex $tuple 1] in $except} {
      set _ $tuple
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