xo::PackageMgr instproc initialize (public)

 <instance of xo::PackageMgr[i]> initialize [ -ad_doc ad_doc ] \
    [ -parameter parameter ] [ -package_id package_id ] [ -url url ] \
    [ -user_id user_id ] [ -actual_query actual_query ] \
    [ -original_url_and_query original_url_and_query ] \
    [ -init_url init_url ] [ -keep_cc keep_cc ] \
    [ -form_parameter form_parameter ] [ -export_vars export_vars ]

Defined in packages/xotcl-core/tcl/06-package-procs.tcl

Create the connection context ::xo::cc and a package object if these are none defined yet. The connection context ::xo::cc and the package object will be destroyed on cleanup, when the global variables are reclaimed. As a side effect this method sets in the calling context the query parameters and package_id as variables, using the "defaults" for default values. init_url false requires the package_id to be specified and a call to Package instproc set_url to complete initialization. keep_cc true means that the original connection context is preserved (i.e. not altered) in case it exists already.

(defaults to "0") (optional)
(defaults to "-1") (optional)
(defaults to " ") (optional)
(defaults to "true") (optional)
(defaults to "false") (optional)
(defaults to "true") (optional)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_create_form_with_form_instance create_form_with_form_instance (test xowiki) xo::PackageMgr instproc initialize xo::PackageMgr instproc initialize test_create_form_with_form_instance->xo::PackageMgr instproc initialize test_includelet_childresources includelet_childresources (test xowiki) test_includelet_childresources->xo::PackageMgr instproc initialize test_includelet_toc includelet_toc (test xowiki) test_includelet_toc->xo::PackageMgr instproc initialize test_link_tests link_tests (test xowiki) test_link_tests->xo::PackageMgr instproc initialize test_package_normalize_path package_normalize_path (test xowiki) test_package_normalize_path->xo::PackageMgr instproc initialize acs::root_of_host acs::root_of_host (public) xo::PackageMgr instproc initialize->acs::root_of_host ad_host ad_host (public) xo::PackageMgr instproc initialize->ad_host ad_parse_documentation_string ad_parse_documentation_string xo::PackageMgr instproc initialize->ad_parse_documentation_string api_page_documentation_mode_p api_page_documentation_mode_p (public) xo::PackageMgr instproc initialize->api_page_documentation_mode_p auth::require_login auth::require_login (public) xo::PackageMgr instproc initialize->auth::require_login

package_normalize_path, includelet_toc, includelet_childresources, xowiki_test_cases, link_tests, slot_interactions, path_resolve, create_form_with_form_instance
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