ad_redirect_for_registration (public)


Defined in packages/acs-tcl/tcl/security-procs.tcl

Redirects user to [subsite]/register/index to require the user to register. When registration is complete, the user will be returned to the current location. All variables in ns_getform (both posts and gets) will be maintained.

It's up to the caller to issue an ad_script_abort, if that's what you want.

See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 forum::security::do_abort forum::security::do_abort (private) ad_redirect_for_registration ad_redirect_for_registration forum::security::do_abort->ad_redirect_for_registration ad_get_login_url ad_get_login_url (public) ad_redirect_for_registration->ad_get_login_url ad_returnredirect ad_returnredirect (public) ad_redirect_for_registration->ad_returnredirect

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