etp::get_ext_attribute_columns (public)

 etp::get_ext_attribute_columns content_type

Defined in packages/edit-this-page/tcl/etp-procs.tcl

Constructs some dynamic SQL to get each of the extended page attributes. note that the attribute values are stored for each *revision*, so we look them up based on the live revision id, not on the item id.


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 etp::get_pa etp::get_pa (private) etp::get_ext_attribute_columns etp::get_ext_attribute_columns etp::get_pa->etp::get_ext_attribute_columns packages/edit-this-page/www/etp.tcl packages/edit-this-page/ www/etp.tcl packages/edit-this-page/www/etp.tcl->etp::get_ext_attribute_columns etp::get_attribute_lookup_sql etp::get_attribute_lookup_sql (public) etp::get_ext_attribute_columns->etp::get_attribute_lookup_sql

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