pa_load_images (public)

 pa_load_images [ -remove remove ] [ -client_name client_name ] \
    [ -strip_prefix strip_prefix ] [ -description description ] \
    [ -story story ] [ -caption caption ] \
    [ -feedback_mode feedback_mode ] [ -package_id package_id ] \
    image_files album_id user_id

Defined in packages/photo-album/tcl/photo-album-procs.tcl

load a list of files to the provided album owned by user_id

(defaults to "0") (optional)
1 to delete the file after moving to the content repository
provide the name of the upload file (for individual uploads)
the prefix to remove from the filename (for expanded archives)
(defaults to "0") (optional)
to provide much info of the loading process on a bulk upload
Optionally specify the package_id owning the album, if this is not called from a page within the photo-album package itself.
image_files - list of files to process

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 packages/photo-album/www/photo-add-2.tcl packages/photo-album/ www/photo-add-2.tcl pa_load_images pa_load_images packages/photo-album/www/photo-add-2.tcl->pa_load_images packages/photo-album/www/photos-add-2.tcl packages/photo-album/ www/photos-add-2.tcl packages/photo-album/www/photos-add-2.tcl->pa_load_images ad_conn ad_conn (public) pa_load_images->ad_conn cr_create_content_file cr_create_content_file (public) pa_load_images->cr_create_content_file db_dml db_dml (public) pa_load_images->db_dml db_exec_plsql db_exec_plsql (public) pa_load_images->db_exec_plsql db_nextval db_nextval (public) pa_load_images->db_nextval

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