workflow::state::fsm::edit (public)

 workflow::state::fsm::edit [ -operation operation ] \
    [ -state_id state_id ] [ -workflow_id workflow_id ] \
    [ -array array ] [ -internal ] [ -no_complain ] \
    [ -handlers handlers ]

Defined in packages/workflow/tcl/state-procs.tcl

Edit a workflow state. Attributes of the array are:

  • short_name
  • pretty_name
  • sort_order
  • hide_fields
  • parent_action

(defaults to "update") (optional)
insert, update, delete
For update/delete: The state to update or delete. For insert: Optionally specify a pre-generated state_id for the state.
For update/delete: Optionally specify the workflow_id. If not specified, we will execute a query to find it. For insert: The workflow_id of the new state.
For insert/update: Name of an array in the caller's namespace with attributes to insert/update.
(boolean) (optional)
Set this flag if you're calling this proc from within the corresponding proc for a particular workflow model. Will cause this proc to not flush the cache or call workflow::definition_changed_handler, which the caller must then do.
(boolean) (optional)
Silently ignore extra attributes that we don't know how to handle.
Peter Marklund
Lars Pind <>
See Also:
  • workflow::state::new

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 packages/workflow/www/admin/delete-confirm.tcl packages/workflow/ www/admin/delete-confirm.tcl workflow::state::fsm::edit workflow::state::fsm::edit packages/workflow/www/admin/delete-confirm.tcl->workflow::state::fsm::edit packages/workflow/www/admin/state-ae.tcl packages/workflow/ www/admin/state-ae.tcl packages/workflow/www/admin/state-ae.tcl->workflow::state::fsm::edit workflow::state::fsm::new workflow::state::fsm::new (public) workflow::state::fsm::new->workflow::state::fsm::edit workflow::state::fsm::parse_spec workflow::state::fsm::parse_spec (private) workflow::state::fsm::parse_spec->workflow::state::fsm::edit db_dml db_dml (public) workflow::state::fsm::edit->db_dml db_nextval db_nextval (public) workflow::state::fsm::edit->db_nextval db_transaction db_transaction (public) workflow::state::fsm::edit->db_transaction workflow::action::get_id workflow::action::get_id (public) workflow::state::fsm::edit->workflow::action::get_id workflow::default_sort_order workflow::default_sort_order (private) workflow::state::fsm::edit->workflow::default_sort_order

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