workflow::state::fsm::new (public)

 workflow::state::fsm::new -workflow_id workflow_id [ -internal ] \
    [ -short_name short_name ] -pretty_name pretty_name \
    [ -hide_fields hide_fields ] [ -sort_order sort_order ] \
    [ -parent_action parent_action ]

Defined in packages/workflow/tcl/state-procs.tcl

Creates a new state for a certain FSM (Finite State Machine) workflow.

The id of the FSM workflow to add the state to
(boolean) (optional)
Set this flag if you're calling this proc from within the corresponding proc for a particular workflow model. Will cause this proc to not flush the cache or call workflow::definition_changed_handler, which the caller must then do.
If you leave blank, the short_name will be generated from pretty_name.
A space-separated list of the names of form fields which should be hidden when in this state, because they're irrelevant in a certain state.
The number which this state should be in the sort ordering sequence. Leave blank to add state at the end. If you provide a sort_order number which already exists, existing states are pushed down one number.
Which action with trigger_type 'workflow' does this state belong to.
ID of new state.
Peter Marklund

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 workflow::test::workflow_setup workflow::test::workflow_setup (public) workflow::state::fsm::new workflow::state::fsm::new workflow::test::workflow_setup->workflow::state::fsm::new workflow::state::fsm::edit workflow::state::fsm::edit (public) workflow::state::fsm::new->workflow::state::fsm::edit

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