acs_mail_lite::maildir_email_parse (private)

 acs_mail_lite::maildir_email_parse \
    [ -headers_arr_name headers_arr_name ] \
    [ -parts_arr_name parts_arr_name ] [ -message_fpn message_fpn ] \
    [ -part_id part_id ] [ -section_ref section_ref ] \
    [ -error_p error_p ]

Defined in packages/acs-mail-lite/tcl/maildir-inbound-procs.tcl

Parse an email from a Postfix maildir into array array_name for adding to queue via acs_mail_lite::inbound_queue_insert

Parsed data is set in headers and parts arrays in calling environment.

is absolute file path and name of one message
(defaults to "0") (optional)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 acs_mail_lite::maildir_check_incoming acs_mail_lite::maildir_check_incoming (private) acs_mail_lite::maildir_email_parse acs_mail_lite::maildir_email_parse acs_mail_lite::maildir_check_incoming->acs_mail_lite::maildir_email_parse _ _ (public) acs_mail_lite::maildir_email_parse->_ acs_mail_lite::sched_parameters acs_mail_lite::sched_parameters (public) acs_mail_lite::maildir_email_parse->acs_mail_lite::sched_parameters acs_mail_lite::section_id_of acs_mail_lite::section_id_of (private) acs_mail_lite::maildir_email_parse->acs_mail_lite::section_id_of acs_root_dir acs_root_dir (public) acs_mail_lite::maildir_email_parse->acs_root_dir mime::buildmessage mime::buildmessage acs_mail_lite::maildir_email_parse->mime::buildmessage

No testcase defined.
Source code:
    # Put email in a format usable for
    # acs_mail_lite::inbound_queue_insert to insert into queue

    # We have to generate the references for MailDir..

    # <br><pre>
    # Most basic example of part reference:
    # ref    # part
    # 1    #   message text only

    # More complex example. Order is not enforced, only hierarchy.
    # ref    # part
    # 1    #   multipart message
    # 1.1    # part 1 of ref 1
    # 1.2    # part 2 of ref 1
    # 4    #   part 1 of ref 4
    # 3.1    # part 1 of ref 3
    # 3.2    # part 2 of ref 3
    # 3.5    # part 5 of ref 3
    # 3.3    # part 3 of ref 3
    # 3.4    # part 4 of ref 3
    # 2    #   part 1 of ref 2

    # Due to the hierarchical nature of email, this proc is recursive.
    # To see examples of struct list to build, see www/doc/imap-notes.txt
    # and www/doc/maildir-test.tcl
    # reference mime procs:

    upvar 1 $headers_arr_name h_arr
    upvar 1 $parts_arr_name p_arr
    upvar 1 __max_txt_bytes __max_txt_bytes
    set has_parts_p 0
    set section_n_v_list [list ]
    # RFC 822 date time format regexp expression
    set re822 {[^a-z]([a-z][a-z][a-z][ ,]+[0-9]+ [a-z][a-z][a-z][ ]+[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][ ]+[0-9][0-9][:][0-9][0-9][:][0-9][0-9][ ]+[\+\-][0-9]+)[^0-9]}

    if { ![info exists __max_txt_bytes] } {
        set sp_list [acs_mail_lite::sched_parameters]
        set __max_txt_bytes [dict get $sp_list max_blob_chars]
    if { $message_fpn ne "" } {
        if {[catch {set m_id [mime::initialize -file ${message_fpn}] } errmsg] } {
            ns_log Error "maildir_email_parse.71 could not parse  message file '${message_fpn}' error: '${errmsg}'"
            set error_p 1
        } else {
            # For acs_mail_lite::inbond_cache_hit_p,
            # make a uid if there is not one.
            set uid_ref ""
            # Do not use email file's tail,
            # because tail is unique to system not email.
            # See

            # A header returns multiple values in a list
            # if header name is repeated in email.
            set h_list [mime::getheader $m_id]
            # headers_list
            set headers_list [list ]
            foreach {h v} $h_list {
                switch -nocase -- $h {
                    uid {
                        if { $h ne "uid" } {
                            lappend struct_list "uid" $v
                        set uid_ref "uid"
                        set uid_val $v
                    message-id -
                    msg-id {
                        if { $uid_ref ne "uid"} {
                            if { $uid_ref ne "message-id" } {
                                # message-id is not required
                                # msg-id is an alternate
                                # Fallback to most standard uid
                                set uid_ref [string tolower $h]
                                set uid_val $v
                    received {
                        if { [llength $v ] > 1 } {
                            set v0 [lindex $v 0]
                        } else {
                            set v0 $v
                        if { [regexp -nocase -- $re822 $v0 match r_ts] } {
                            set age_s [mime::parsedatetime $r_ts rclock]
                            set dt_cs [expr { [clock seconds] - $age_s } ]
                            lappend headers_list "aml_datetime_cs" $dt_cs
                    default {
                        # do nothing
                lappend headers_list $h $v
            lappend headers_list "aml_received_cs" [file mtime ${message_fpn}]
            lappend headers_list "uid" $uid_val

            # Append property_list to headers_list
            set prop_list [mime::getproperty $m_id]
            #set prop_names_list /mime::getproperty $m_id -names/
            foreach {n v} $prop_list {
                switch -nocase -exact -- $n {
                    params {
                        # extract name as header filename
                        foreach {m w} $v {
                            if { [string match -nocase "*name" $m] } {
                                regsub -all -nocase -- {[^0-9a-zA-Z-.,\_]} $w {_} w
                                if { $w eq "" } {
                                    set w "untitled"
                                set filename $w
                                lappend headers_list "filename" $w
                            } else {
                                lappend headers_list $m $w
                    default {
                        lappend headers_list $n $v
        if { $section_ref eq "" } {
            set section_ref 1
        set subref_ct 0
        set type ""

        # Assume headers and names are unordered
        foreach {n v} $headers_list {
            if { [string match -nocase {parts} $n] } {
                set has_parts_p 1
                foreach part_id $v {
                    incr subref_ct
                    set subref $section_ref
                    append subref "." $subref_ct
                    acs_mail_lite::maildir_email_parse  -headers_arr_name h_arr  -parts_arr_name p_arr  -part_id $part_id  -section_ref $subref
            } else {
                switch -exact -nocase -- $n {
                    size {
                        set bytes $v
                    # content-type
                    content {
                        set type $v
                    default {
                        # do nothing
                if { $section_ref eq "1" } {
                    set h_arr(${n}${v}
                } else {
                    lappend section_n_v_list ${n} ${v}

        set section_id [acs_mail_lite::section_id_of $section_ref]
        ns_log Dev "acs_mail_lite::maildir_email_parse.746  message_fpn '${message_fpn}' section_ref '${section_ref}' section_id '${section_id}'"

        # Add content of an email part
        set p_arr(${section_id},nv_list) $section_n_v_list
        set p_arr(${section_id},c_type) $type
        lappend p_arr(section_id_list) ${section_id}

        if { [info exists bytes]
             && $bytes > $__max_txt_bytes
             && ![info exists filename]
         } {
            set filename "blob.txt"

        if { [info exists filename] } {
            set filename2 [clock microseconds]
            append filename2 "-" $filename
            set filepathname [file join [acs_root_dir]  acs-mail-lite  $filename2 ]
            set p_arr(${section_id},filename) $filename
            set p_arr(${section_id},c_filepathname) $filepathname
            if { $filename eq "blob.txt" } {
                ns_log Dev "acs_mail_lite::maildir_email_parse.775  m_id '${m_id}' '${section_ref}'  -file '${filepathname}'"
                set txtfileId [open $filepathname "w"]
                puts -nonewline $txtfileId [mime::getbody $m_id]
                close $txtfileId
            } else {
                ns_log Dev "acs_mail_lite::maildir_email_parse.780  mime::getbody '${m_id}' '${section_ref}'  -file '${filepathname}' -decode"
                set binfileId [open $filepathname "w"]
                chan configure $binfileId -translation binary
                puts -nonewline $binfileId [mime::getbody $m_id -decode ]
                close $binfileId
        } elseif$section_ref ne "" } {
            # text content
            set p_arr(${section_id},content) [mime::buildmessage $m_id]
            ns_log Dev "acs_mail_lite::maildir_email_parse.792  text m_id '${m_id}' '${section_ref}':  $p_arr(${section_id},content)'"

        } else {
            set p_arr(${section_id},content) ""
            # The content for this case
            # has been verified to be redundant.
            # It is mostly the last section/part of message.
            # If diagnostics urge examining these cases,
            # Set debug_p 1 to allow the following code
            # to compress a message to recognizable parts without
            # flooding the log.
            set debug_p 0
            if { $debug_p } {
                set msg_txt [mime::buildmessage $m_id]
                # 72 character wide lines * x lines
                set msg_start_max [expr { 72 * 20 } ]
                set msg_txtb [string range $msg_txt 0 $msg_start_max]
                if { [string length $msg_txt] > $msg_start_max + 400 } {
                    set msg_txte [string range $msg_txt end-$msg_start_max end]
                } elseif { [string length $msg_txt] > $msg_start_max + 144 } {
                    set msg_txte [string range $msg_txt end-144 end]
                } else {
                    set msg_txte ""
                ns_log Dev "acs_mail_lite::maildir_email_parse.818 IGNORED  text '${message_fpn}' '${section_ref}' \n  msg_txte '${msg_txte}'"
            } else {
                ns_log Dev "acs_mail_lite::maildir_email_parse.822 ignored  text '${message_fpn}' '${section_ref}'"
    return $error_p
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