template::form::is_request (public)

 template::form::is_request id

Defined in packages/acs-templating/tcl/form-procs.tcl

Return true if preparing a form for an initial request (as opposed to repreparing a form that is returned to the user due to validation problems). This command is used to conditionally set default values for form elements.

id - The form identifier
1 if preparing a form for an initial request; or 0 if repreparing a form that is returned to the user due to validation problems

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 template::form::is_submission template::form::is_submission (public) template::form::is_request template::form::is_request template::form::is_request->template::form::is_submission

No testcase defined.
Source code:
    return [expr {! [is_submission $id]}]
XQL Not present:
Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle
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