util_background_exec (public)

 util_background_exec [ -pass_vars pass_vars ] -name name code_chunk

Defined in packages/acs-tcl/tcl/utilities-procs.tcl

Executes a chunk of code in the background. The code is run exclusively, meaning that no two threads with the same name can run at the same time.

Names of variables which you want passed to the code chunk
The name of the thread. No two chunks with the same name can run at the same time.
code_chunk - The chunk you want executed

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):

No testcase defined.
Source code:
    ns_log Debug "util_background_exec: Starting, waiting for mutex"

    #    ns_mutex lock [nsv_get util_background_exec_mutex .]

    ns_log Debug "util_background_exec: Got mutex"

    set running_p [nsv_exists util_background_exec $name]
    if { !$running_p } {
        nsv_set util_background_exec [list $name] 1

    #    ns_mutex unlock [nsv_get util_background_exec_mutex .]
    ns_log Debug "util_background_exec: Released mutex"

    if { $running_p } {
        ns_log Notice "util_background_exec: $name is already running, exiting"

    set code {}
    foreach var $pass_vars {
        upvar 1 $var the_var
        if { [array exists the_var] } {
            append code "array set [list $var] [list [array get the_var]]\n"
        } else {
            append code "set [list $var] [list $the_var]\n"

    append code "
        set errno \[catch {
        } errmsg\]

        set errinfo {}
        set errcode {}
        if { \$errno == 1 } {
            set errinfo \$::errorInfo
            set errcode \$::errorCode

        if { \$errno == 1 } {
            \# This is an error
            ns_log Error \"util_background_exec: Error in thread named '$name': \$::errorInfo\"

        \# errno = 0 (TCL_OK) or 2 (TCL_RETURN) is considered normal, i.e. first elm is true
        set success_p \[expr { \$errno == 0 || \$errno == 2 }\]
        set result \[list \$success_p \$errmsg \$errno \$errinfo \$errcode]

        ns_log debug \"util_background_exec: Thread named '$name' returned \$result\"

        nsv_unset util_background_exec [list $name]
        nsv_set util_background_exec_result [list $name] \$result

    ns_log Debug "util_background_exec: Scheduling code\n$code"

    ns_schedule_proc -thread -once 1 $code
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