workflow::case::get_activity_html (private)

 workflow::case::get_activity_html -case_id case_id \
    [ -action_id action_id ] [ -max_n_actions max_n_actions ] \
    [ -style style ]

Defined in packages/workflow/tcl/case-procs.tcl

Get the activity log for a case as an HTML chunk. If action_id is non-empty, it means that we're in the progress of executing that action, and the corresponding line for the current action will be appended.

The case for which you want the activity log.
optional action which is currently being executed.
Limit history to the max_n_actions number of most recent actions
(defaults to "activity-entry") (optional)
Activity log as HTML
Lars Pind <>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 bug_tracker::search::bug::datasource bug_tracker::search::bug::datasource (private) workflow::case::get_activity_html workflow::case::get_activity_html bug_tracker::search::bug::datasource->workflow::case::get_activity_html packages/acs-tcl/lib/page-error.tcl packages/acs-tcl/ lib/page-error.tcl packages/acs-tcl/lib/page-error.tcl->workflow::case::get_activity_html packages/bug-tracker/www/bug.tcl packages/bug-tracker/ www/bug.tcl packages/bug-tracker/www/bug.tcl->workflow::case::get_activity_html acs_community_member_url acs_community_member_url (public) workflow::case::get_activity_html->acs_community_member_url acs_package_root_dir acs_package_root_dir (public) workflow::case::get_activity_html->acs_package_root_dir acs_user::get acs_user::get (public) workflow::case::get_activity_html->acs_user::get ad_acs_kernel_id ad_acs_kernel_id (public) workflow::case::get_activity_html->ad_acs_kernel_id ad_conn ad_conn (public) workflow::case::get_activity_html->ad_conn

No testcase defined.
Source code:
    set default_file_stub [file join [acs_package_root_dir "workflow"] lib activity-entry]
    set file_stub [template::util::url_to_file $style $default_file_stub]
    if { ![file exists "${file_stub}.adp"] } {
        ns_log Warning "workflow::case::get_activity_html: Cannot find log entry template file $file_stub, reverting to default template."
        # We always have a template named 'activity-entry'
        set file_stub $default_file_stub
    # ensure that the style template has been compiled and is up-to-date
    set stub_call [template::adp_init adp $file_stub]

    set activity_entry_list [get_activity_log_info_not_cached -case_id $case_id]
    set start_index 0
    if { $max_n_actions ne "" && [llength $activity_entry_list] > $max_n_actions} { 
    # Only return the last max_n_actions actions
    set start_index [expr {[llength $activity_entry_list] - $max_n_actions}]

    set log_html {}

    foreach entry_arraylist [lrange $activity_entry_list $start_index end] {
        foreach { var value } $entry_arraylist {
            set $var $value

        set comment_html [ad_html_text_convert -from $comment_mime_type -to "text/html" -- $comment] 
        if { [ad_conn isconnected] == 1 } {
            set community_member_url [acs_community_member_url -user_id $creation_user]
        } else {
            set community_member_url [export_vars -base [parameter::get -package_id [ad_acs_kernel_id]  -parameter CommunityMemberURL  -default "/shared/community-member"]  {user_id $ass(party_id)}]

        # The output of this procedure will be placed in __adp_output in this stack frame.
        append log_html $__adp_output

    if { $action_id ne "" } {
        set action_pretty_past_tense [lang::util::localize  [workflow::action::get_element  -action_id $action_id  -element pretty_past_tense]]

        # sets first_names, last_name, email
        acs_user::get -user_id [ad_conn untrusted_user_id] -array user

        set creation_date_pretty [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%b %e, %Y"]

        set comment_html {}
        set user_first_names $user(first_names)
        set user_last_name $user(last_name)
        if { [ad_conn isconnected] == 1 } {
            set community_member_url [acs_community_member_url -user_id [ad_conn untrusted_user_id]]
        } else {
            set community_member_url [export_vars -base [parameter::get -package_id [ad_acs_kernel_id]  -parameter CommunityMemberURL  -default "/shared/community-member"]  {user_id $ass(party_id)}]

        # The output of this procedure will be placed in __adp_output in this stack frame.
        append log_html $__adp_output

    return $log_html
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