xowf::test_item::Answer_manager method render_full_submission_form (protected)

 <instance of xowf::test_item::Answer_manager[i]> render_full_submission_form \
    [ -wf wf ] [ -submission submission ] \
    [ -filter_form_ids filter_form_ids ] [ -with_feedback ] \
    [ -with_correction_notes ]

Defined in packages/xowf/tcl/test-item-procs.tcl

Compute the HTML of the full submission of the user with all form fields instantiated according to randomization.

used for filtering questions
HTML of question form object containing all (wanted) questions

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):

No testcase defined.
Source code:
# Flush all form fields, since their contents depend on
# randomization. In later versions, we should introduce a more
# intelligent caching respecting randomization.
foreach f [::xowiki::formfield::FormField info instances -closure] {
  #ns_log notice "FF could DESTROY $f [$f name]"
  if {[string match *_ [$f name]]} {
    #ns_log notice "FF DESTROY $f [$f name]"
    $f destroy
$wf form_field_flush_cache

# The call to "render_content" calls actually the
# "summary_form" of online/inclass-exam-answer.wf when the submit
# instance is in state "done". We set the __feedback_mode to
# get the auto-correction included.
xo::cc eval_as_user -user_id [$submission creation_user] {
  $submission set __feedback_mode 2
  $submission set __form_objs $filter_form_ids
  $submission set __aggregated_form_options  "-with_feedback=$with_feedback -with_correction_notes=$with_correction_notes"
  set question_form [$submission render_content]

return $question_form
XQL Not present:
Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle
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