workflow::new (public)

 workflow::new -pretty_name pretty_name [ -short_name short_name ] \
    -package_key package_key [ -object_id object_id ] \
    [ -object_type object_type ] [ -callbacks callbacks ]

Defined in packages/workflow/tcl/workflow-procs.tcl

Creates a new workflow. For each workflow you must create an initial action (using the workflow::action::new proc) to be fired when a workflow case is opened.

A human readable name for the workflow for use in the UI.
For referring to the workflow from Tcl code. Use Tcl variable syntax.
The package to which this workflow belongs
The id of an ACS Object indicating the scope the workflow. Typically this will be the id of a package type or a package instance but it could also be some other type of ACS object within a package, for example the id of a bug in the Bug Tracker application.
(defaults to "acs_object") (optional)
The type of objects that the workflow will be applied to. Valid values are in the acs_object_types table. The parameter is optional and defaults to acs_object.
List of names of service contract implementations of callbacks for the workflow in impl_owner_name.impl_name format.
New workflow_id.
Peter Marklund

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 packages/workflow/www/admin/workflow-ae.tcl packages/workflow/ www/admin/workflow-ae.tcl workflow::new workflow::new packages/workflow/www/admin/workflow-ae.tcl->workflow::new workflow::test::workflow_setup workflow::test::workflow_setup (public) workflow::test::workflow_setup->workflow::new workflow::edit workflow::edit (public) workflow::new->workflow::edit

No testcase defined.
Source code:
    # Wrapper for workflow::edit

    foreach elm { short_name pretty_name package_key object_id object_type callbacks } {
        set row($elm) [set $elm]

    set workflow_id [workflow::edit  -operation "insert"  -array row]

    return $workflow_id
Generic XQL file:

PostgreSQL XQL file:

Oracle XQL file:

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