notification::sweep::sweep_notifications (private)

 notification::sweep::sweep_notifications -interval_id interval_id \
    [ -batched_p batched_p ]

Defined in packages/notifications/tcl/sweep-procs.tcl

This sweeps for notifications in a particular interval

(defaults to "0") (optional)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 packages/notifications/www/admin/sweep-now.tcl packages/notifications/ www/admin/sweep-now.tcl notification::sweep::sweep_notifications notification::sweep::sweep_notifications packages/notifications/www/admin/sweep-now.tcl->notification::sweep::sweep_notifications _ _ (public) notification::sweep::sweep_notifications->_ ad_html_text_convert ad_html_text_convert (public) notification::sweep::sweep_notifications->ad_html_text_convert ad_system_name ad_system_name (public) notification::sweep::sweep_notifications->ad_system_name db_list_of_ns_sets db_list_of_ns_sets (public) notification::sweep::sweep_notifications->db_list_of_ns_sets db_transaction db_transaction (public) notification::sweep::sweep_notifications->db_transaction

No testcase defined.
Source code:
        # Look for notifications joined against the requests they may
        # match with the right interval_id order it by user_id.  Make
        # sure the users have not yet received this notification with
        # outer join on the mapping table and a null check.
        set notifications [db_list_of_ns_sets select_notifications {
           select notifications.notification_id,
                   acs_permission.permission_p(notification_requests.object_id, notification_requests.user_id, 'read') as still_valid_p
            from notifications
            inner join notification_requests on (notifications.type_id = notification_requests.type_id
                                                and notifications.object_id = notification_requests.object_id)
              inner join acs_objects on (notification_requests.request_id = acs_objects.object_id)
              left outer join notification_user_map on (notification_user_map.notification_id = notifications.notification_id
                                                       and notification_user_map.user_id = notification_requests.user_id)
            where sent_date is null
              and creation_date <= notif_date
              and (notif_date is null or notif_date < current_timestamp)
              and interval_id = :interval_id
            order by notification_requests.user_id, notifications.type_id, notif_date

        foreach notif $notifications {
            if {![ns_set get $notif still_valid_p]} {
                # The user has lost permissions on the object, so
                # delete this notification. This deletion was done
                # before in the highly expensive query in
                # "cleanup_notifications"
                ns_log notice "delete notification [ns_set get $notif request_id]"  "for user_id [ns_set get $notif user_id]"  "since user has lost rights on object"
                ns_log warning  "==== WOULD delete notification [ns_set get $notif request_id]"  "for user_id [ns_set get $notif user_id]"  "since user has lost rights on object"

                #notification::request::delete  #    -request_id [ns_set get $notif request_id]

                # Remove this tuple from the notification list such we
                # do not have to double-check for this.
                set idx [lsearch $notifications $notif]
                set notifications [lreplace $notifications $idx $idx]

        if {$batched_p} {
            set prev_user_id 0
            set prev_type_id 0
            set prev_deliv_method_id ""
            set list_of_notification_ids [list]
            set batched_content_text ""
            set batched_content_html ""
            set batched_file_ids [list]
            set summary_text "[_ notifications.Contents]/n"
            set summary_html "<h4>[_ notifications.Contents]</h4><ul>"

            # Add a stop codon
            lappend notifications STOP

            # Batched sending
            foreach notif $notifications {
                ns_log Debug "NOTIF-BATCHED: one notif $notif"

                if {$notif ne "STOP"} {
                    ns_log Debug "NOTIF-BATCHED: NOT a stop codon"
                    set user_id [ns_set get $notif user_id]
                    set type_id [ns_set get $notif type_id]
                } else {
                    ns_log Debug "NOTIF-BATCHED stop codon!"
                    set user_id ""
                    set type_id ""
                # Check if we have a new user_id and type_id. If so,
                # batch up previous stuff and send it.
                if {$notif eq "STOP" || $user_id != $prev_user_id || $type_id != $prev_type_id} {

                    ns_log Debug "NOTIF-BATCHED: batching things up for $prev_user_id"

                    # If no content, keep going
                    if {$batched_content_text ne ""} {
                        ns_log Debug "NOTIF-BATCHED: content to send!"
                        db_transaction {
                            ns_log Debug "NOTIF-BATCHED: sending content"
                            # System name is used in the subject
                            set system_name [ad_system_name]
                            notification::delivery::send  -to_user_id $prev_user_id  -notification_type_id $prev_type_id  -subject "[_ notifications.lt_system_name_-_Batched]"  -content_text "$summary_text $batched_content_text"  -content_html "$summary_html </ul><hr>$batched_content_html"  -file_ids $batched_file_ids  -delivery_method_id $prev_deliv_method_id

                            ns_log Debug "NOTIF-BATCHED: marking notifications"
                            foreach not_id $list_of_notification_ids {
                            # Mark it as sent
                                notification::mark_sent  -notification_id $not_id  -user_id $prev_user_id

                        # Reset things
                        set list_of_notification_ids [list]
                        set batched_content_text ""
                        set batched_content_html ""
                        set batched_file_ids [list]
                        set summary_text "[_ notifications.Contents]/n"
                        set summary_html "<h4>[_ notifications.Contents]</h4><ul>"
                    } else {
                        ns_log Debug "NOTIF-BATCHED: NO content to send!"

                if {$notif eq "STOP"} {

                # append content to built-up content
                ns_log Debug "NOTIF-BATCHED: appending one notif!"
                #Lets see what we have:
                set notif_text [ns_set get $notif notif_text]
                set notif_html [ns_set get $notif notif_html]

                if {$notif_text eq ""} {
                    set notif_text [ad_html_text_convert -from html -to text -- $notif_html]

                if {$notif_html eq ""} {
                    set notif_html [ad_html_text_convert -from text -to html -- $notif_text]
                } else {
                    set html_content_p 1

                append summary_text "[ns_set get $notif notif_subject]\n"
                append summary_html  "<li><a href='#[ns_set get $notif notification_id]'>"  [ns_set get $notif notif_subject]  "</a></li>"
                append batched_content_text  "[_ notifications.SUBJECT] [ns_set get $notif notif_subject]\n"  [ns_set get $notif notif_text]  "\n=====================\n"
                append batched_content_html  "<a name='[ns_set get $notif notification_id]'>"  "[_ notifications.SUBJECT] </a> [ns_set get $notif notif_subject]\n"  $notif_html <hr><p>"

                lappend batched_file_ids {*}[ns_set get $notif file_ids]
                lappend list_of_notification_ids [ns_set get $notif notification_id]

                # Set the vars
                set prev_user_id $user_id
                set prev_type_id $type_id
                set prev_deliv_method_id [ns_set get $notif delivery_method_id]

        } else {
            # Unbatched
            foreach notif $notifications {
                db_transaction {
                    # Send it
                    notification::delivery::send  -from_user_id [ns_set get $notif notif_user]  -to_user_id [ns_set get $notif user_id]  -notification_type_id [ns_set get $notif type_id]  -subject [ns_set get $notif notif_subject]  -content_text [ns_set get $notif notif_text]  -content_html [ns_set get $notif notif_html]  -file_ids [ns_set get $notif file_ids]  -reply_object_id [ns_set get $notif response_id]  -delivery_method_id [ns_set get $notif delivery_method_id]

                    # Mark it as sent
                    notification::mark_sent  -notification_id [ns_set get $notif notification_id]  -user_id [ns_set get $notif user_id]
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