template::list::render_row (private)

 template::list::render_row -name name

Defined in packages/acs-templating/tcl/list-procs.tcl

Render one row of a list template.


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 template::adp_compile template::adp_compile (public) template::adp_eval template::adp_eval (public) template::adp_level template::adp_level (public) template::list::get_reference template::list::get_reference (public) template::list::get_refname template::list::get_refname (public) template::list::render_row template::list::render_row template::list::render_row->template::adp_compile template::list::render_row->template::adp_eval template::list::render_row->template::adp_level template::list::render_row->template::list::get_reference template::list::render_row->template::list::get_refname

No testcase defined.
Source code:
    set level [template::adp_level]

    # Get an upvar'd reference to list_properties
    get_reference -name $name

    set __adp_output $list_properties(row_template)

    # compile the template (this is the second compilation, if we're using a dynamic template -- I think)
    set __list_code [template::adp_compile -string $__adp_output]

    # Get the multirow upvar'd to this namespace
    template::multirow upvar $list_properties(multirow)

    # Upvar other variables passed in through the pass_properties property
    foreach var $list_properties(pass_properties) {
        upvar #$level $var $var

    # Get the list definition upvar'd to this namespace
    upvar #$level [get_refname -name $name] [get_refname -name $name]
    foreach element_ref $list_properties(element_refs) {
        upvar #$level $element_ref $element_ref

    # evaluate the code and return the rendered HTML for the list
    set output [template::adp_eval __list_code]

    return $output
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