package_instantiate_object (public)

 package_instantiate_object [ -creation_user creation_user ] \
    [ -creation_ip creation_ip ] [ -package_name package_name ] \
    [ -var_list var_list ] [ -extra_vars extra_vars ] \
    [ -start_with start_with ] [ -form_id form_id ] \
    [ -variable_prefix variable_prefix ] object_type

Defined in packages/acs-subsite/tcl/package-procs.tcl

Creates a new object of the specified type by calling the associated PL/SQL package new function.

The current user. Defaults to [ad_conn user_id] if not specified and there is a connection
The current user's IP address. Defaults to [ad_conn peeraddr] if not specified and there is a connection
The PL/SQL package associated with this object type. Defaults to acs_object_types.package_name
A list of pairs of additional attributes and their values to pass to the constructor. Each pair is a list of two elements: key => value
an ns_set of extra vars
The object type to start with when gathering attributes for this object type. Defaults to the object type.
The form id from templating form system if we're using the forms API to specify attributes
object_type - The object type of the object we are instantiating
The object id of the newly created object


    template::form create add_group
    template::element create add_group group_name -value "Publisher"

    set var_list [list  [list context_id $context_id]   [list group_id $group_id]]

    return [package_instantiate_object  -start_with "group"  -var_list $var_list  -form_id "add_group"  "group"]

Michael Bryzek <>
Ben Adida <>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_auth_authenticate auth_authenticate (test acs-authentication) package_instantiate_object package_instantiate_object test_auth_authenticate->package_instantiate_object test_auth_create_user auth_create_user (test acs-authentication) test_auth_create_user->package_instantiate_object test_category_tree_procs category_tree_procs (test categories) test_category_tree_procs->package_instantiate_object test_object_p object_p (test acs-tcl) test_object_p->package_instantiate_object _ _ (public) package_instantiate_object->_ acs_object_type::get acs_object_type::get (public) package_instantiate_object->acs_object_type::get ad_conn ad_conn (public) package_instantiate_object->ad_conn db_exec_plsql db_exec_plsql (public) package_instantiate_object->db_exec_plsql package_object_attribute_list package_object_attribute_list (public) package_instantiate_object->package_object_attribute_list bug_tracker::bug::insert bug_tracker::bug::insert (public) bug_tracker::bug::insert->package_instantiate_object calendar::new calendar::new (public) calendar::new->package_instantiate_object content::folder::new content::folder::new (public) content::folder::new->package_instantiate_object forum::message::new forum::message::new (public) forum::message::new->package_instantiate_object forum::new forum::new (public) forum::new->package_instantiate_object

auth_authenticate, auth_create_user, object_p, category_tree_procs
Source code:

    if {$variable_prefix ne ""} {
        append variable_prefix "."

    if {[catch {
        acs_object_type::get -object_type $object_type -array acs_type
        set package_name $acs_type(package_name)
    } errmsg]} {
        error "Object type \"$object_type\" does not exist"
    # Select out the package name if it wasn't passed in
    if { $package_name eq "" } {        
        set package_name $acs_type(package_name)

    if { [ns_conn isconnected] } {
        if { $creation_user eq "" } {
            set creation_user [ad_conn user_id]
        if { $creation_ip eq "" } {
            set creation_ip [ad_conn peeraddr]

    if {$creation_user == 0} {
        set creation_user ""

    lappend var_list [list creation_user $creation_user]
    lappend var_list [list creation_ip $creation_ip]
    lappend var_list [list object_type $object_type]

    # The first thing we need to do is select out the list of all
    # the parameters that can be passed to this object type's new function.
    # This will prevent us from passing in any parameters that are
    # not defined

    foreach arg [package_plsql_args $package_name] {
        set real_params([string toupper $arg]) 1

    # Use pieces to generate the parameter list to the new
    # function. Pieces is just a list of lists where each list contains only
    # one item - the name of the parameter. We keep track of
    # parameters we've already added in the array param_array (all keys are
    # in uppercase)

    set pieces [list]

    foreach pair $var_list {
        lassign $pair __key __value
        if { ![info exists real_params([string toupper $__key])] } {
            # The parameter is not accepted as a parameter to the
            # pl/sql function. Ignore it.
        lappend pieces [list $__key]
        set param_array([string toupper $__key]) 1
        # Set the value for binding
        set $__key $__value

    # Go through the extra_vars (ben - OpenACS)
    if {$extra_vars ne "" } {
        foreach {__key __value} [ns_set array $extra_vars] {
            if { ![info exists real_params([string toupper $__key])] } {
                # The parameter is not accepted as a parameter to the
                # pl/sql function. Ignore it.
            lappend pieces [list $__key]
            set param_array([string toupper $__key]) 1
            # Set the value for binding
            set $__key $__value

    if { $form_id ne ""} {

        set __id_column $acs_type(id_column)
        if { [info exists real_params([string toupper $__id_column])]
             && ![info exists param_array([string toupper $__id_column])]
         } {
            set param_array([string toupper $__id_column]) 1
            set $__id_column [template::element::get_value $form_id "$variable_prefix$__id_column"]
            lappend pieces [list $__id_column]

        if {$start_with eq ""} {
            set start_with $object_type

        # Append the values from the template form for each attribute
        foreach row [package_object_attribute_list -start_with $start_with $object_type] {
            set __attribute [lindex $row 2]
            if { [info exists real_params([string toupper $__attribute])]
                 && ![info exists param_array([string toupper $__attribute])]
             } {
                set param_array([string toupper $__attribute]) 1
                set $__attribute [template::element::get_value $form_id "$variable_prefix$__attribute"]

                lappend pieces [list $__attribute]

ns_log notice package_instantiate_object.create_object-Q=[subst {     select ${package_name}__new([plpgsql_utility::generate_attribute_parameter_call  -prepend ":"  ${package_name}__new  $pieces])}]

    set object_id [db_exec_plsql create_object {}]

    if { [ns_conn isconnected] } {
        subsite::callback -object_type $object_type "insert" $object_id

    # BUG FIX (ben - OpenACS)
    return $object_id
Generic XQL file:

PostgreSQL XQL file:
<fullquery name="package_instantiate_object.create_object">

        select ${package_name}__new([plpgsql_utility::generate_attribute_parameter_call \
                -prepend ":" \
                ${package_name}__new \


Oracle XQL file:
<fullquery name="package_instantiate_object.create_object">
      :1 := ${package_name}.new([plsql_utility::generate_attribute_parameter_call \
	      -prepend ":" \
	      -indent [expr [string length $package_name] + 29] \

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