bug_tracker::assignee_get_options (public)

 bug_tracker::assignee_get_options [ -workflow_id workflow_id ] \
    [ -include_unknown ] [ -include_undecided ]

Defined in packages/bug-tracker/tcl/bug-tracker-procs.tcl

Returns an option list containing all users that have submitted or assigned to a bug. Used for the add bug form. Added because the workflow api requires a case_id. (an item to evaluate is refactoring workflow to provide an assignee widget without a case_id)

(boolean) (optional)
(boolean) (optional)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 db_list_of_lists db_list_of_lists (public) bug_tracker::assignee_get_options bug_tracker::assignee_get_options bug_tracker::assignee_get_options->db_list_of_lists

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