util_wrap_list (public)

 util_wrap_list [ -eol eol ] [ -indent indent ] [ -length length ] \

Defined in packages/acs-tcl/tcl/utilities-procs.tcl

Wraps text to a particular line length.

(defaults to " \") (optional)
the string to be used at the end of each line.
(defaults to "4") (optional)
the number of spaces to use to indent all lines after the first.
(defaults to "70") (optional)
the maximum line length.
items - the list of items to be wrapped. Items are HTML-formatted. An individual item will never be wrapped onto separate lines.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_acs_api_browser_api_describe_function acs_api_browser_api_describe_function (test acs-api-browser) util_wrap_list util_wrap_list test_acs_api_browser_api_describe_function->util_wrap_list test_acs_api_browser_api_proc_documentation acs_api_browser_api_proc_documentation (test acs-api-browser) test_acs_api_browser_api_proc_documentation->util_wrap_list api_proc_documentation api_proc_documentation (public) api_proc_documentation->util_wrap_list

acs_api_browser_api_describe_function, acs_api_browser_api_proc_documentation
Source code:
    set out "<pre>"
    set line_length 0
    set line_number 0
    foreach item $items {
        regsub -all -- {<[^>]+>} $item "" item_notags
        if { $line_length > $indent } {
            if { $line_length + 1 + [string length $item_notags] > $length } {
                append out "$eol\n"
                incr line_number
                for { set i 0 } { $i < $indent } { incr i } {
                    append out " "
                set line_length $indent
            } else {
                append out " "
                incr line_length
        } elseif {$line_number == 0} {
            append out " "
        append out $item
        incr line_length [string length $item_notags]
    append out "</pre>"
    return $out
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