category_tree::get_categories (public)

 category_tree::get_categories -tree_id tree_id [ -locale locale ]

Defined in packages/categories/tcl/category-trees-procs.tcl

Return root categories of a given tree

sort results by name in specified locale. If a translation in this locale is not available, the one in en_US will be used. When missing, will default to locale of the connection or en_US when we are outside a connection context.
list of category ids

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_category_tree_procs category_tree_procs (test categories) category_tree::get_categories category_tree::get_categories test_category_tree_procs->category_tree::get_categories ad_conn ad_conn (public) category_tree::get_categories->ad_conn db_list db_list (public) category_tree::get_categories->db_list

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