category_tree::get_id_by_object_title (public)

 category_tree::get_id_by_object_title [ -title title ]

Defined in packages/categories/tcl/category-trees-procs.tcl

Gets the id of a category_tree given an object title (object_type=category). This is highly useful as the category_tree object title will not change if you change the name (label) of the category_tree, so you can access the category_tree even if the label has changed. Why would you want this? E.g. if you have the category widget and want to get only one specific tree displayed and not all of them.

object title of the category to retrieve
the category_tree_id or empty string if no category was found
Malte Sussdorff <>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_category_tree_procs category_tree_procs (test categories) category_tree::get_id_by_object_title category_tree::get_id_by_object_title test_category_tree_procs->category_tree::get_id_by_object_title db_string db_string (public) category_tree::get_id_by_object_title->db_string

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