sec_login_handler (public)


Defined in packages/acs-tcl/tcl/security-procs.tcl

If a login cookie exists, it is checked for expiration (depending on LoginTimeout) and the account status is validated. In every case, the session info including [ad_conn] and the session cookie is updated accordingly. Modified ad_conn variables: untrusted_user_id, session_id, auth_level, account_status, and user_id.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 auth::verify_account_status auth::verify_account_status (public) sec_login_handler sec_login_handler auth::verify_account_status->sec_login_handler sec_handler sec_handler (private) sec_handler->sec_login_handler ad_conn ad_conn (public) sec_login_handler->ad_conn auth::get_local_account_status auth::get_local_account_status (public) sec_login_handler->auth::get_local_account_status sec_get_user_auth_token sec_get_user_auth_token (public) sec_login_handler->sec_get_user_auth_token sec_login_read_cookie sec_login_read_cookie (private) sec_login_handler->sec_login_read_cookie sec_login_timeout sec_login_timeout sec_login_handler->sec_login_timeout

No testcase defined.
Source code:
    ns_log debug "OACS= sec_login_handler: enter"

    set auth_level none
    set new_user_id 0
    set untrusted_user_id 0
    set account_status closed

    # Check login cookie.
    set login_info [sec_login_read_cookie]
    if {[dict get $login_info status] eq "OK"} {
        set untrusted_user_id [dict get $login_info user_id]
        set auth_level expired

        # Check conformancy of the auth_token between cookie and
        # database depending on LoginTimeout: When LoginTimeout is 0,
        # check the auth token always.  Otherwise, when check the
        # auth_token, when it LoginTimeout has expired.
        set sec_login_timeout [sec_login_timeout]

        if { $sec_login_timeout == 0
             || [ns_time] - [dict get $login_info issue_time] < $sec_login_timeout
         } {
            # Check auth_token.
            if {[dict get $login_info auth_token] eq [sec_get_user_auth_token $untrusted_user_id]} {
                # Check whether we retrieved the login cookie over
                # HTTPS. If so, we're secure.
                if { [security::secure_conn_p] || [ad_conn behind_secure_proxy_p]} {
                    set auth_level secure
                } else {
                    set auth_level ok

                # In case there is no session_id, do not trust the
                # provided cookie, since it might be stolen. In
                # general, session cookies are recreated on the fly
                # for the current user, but we do not want this in
                # cases, when we have already a "valid" login cookie.
                if {[ad_conn session_id] eq ""} {
                    ns_log warning "downgrade auth_level of user $untrusted_user_id since session_id invalid"
                    set auth_level expired
            } else {
    ::security::log login_cookie "sec_login_handler auth_token has changed"
                ns_log notice "OACS= auth_token has changed"

        # Check in addition to the auth_token also the account status.
        set account_status [auth::get_local_account_status -user_id $untrusted_user_id]

        if {$account_status eq "no_account"} {
            set untrusted_user_id 0
            set auth_level none
            set account_status "closed"

    sec_setup_session $untrusted_user_id $auth_level $account_status
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